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~e <br />FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br />SUBJECT: FINAL ASSESSMENT FOR STORM SEWERS ON GILHAM ROAD <br />FROM HONEYWOOD STREET TO AYERS ROAD, AND AYERS ROAD <br />FROM GILHAM ROAD TO 500 FEET WEST (CONTRACT #96-11) (JOB <br />#3459) <br />BACKGROUND <br />This project was initiated by a irrevocable petition from the property owner Paradise <br />Development Inc.} who will bear 100% percent of the assessable cost of the local improvement <br />district ~L1D}. After initiation, one parcel of the originally undivided property was sold, but the <br />original owner agreed to pay the assessment apportioned to the parcel sold. <br />The City Engineer initiated the project, as provided for in the Eugene Code 7.1605} on February <br />1,1996. City staff received a letter from the property owner waiving the right to a local <br />improvement district hearing and requesting that the City Council approve the project directly. <br />The project was advertised on May 17,1996, and bids were opened June 18,1996. The project <br />has now been completed, and final assessment costs have been calculated. <br />This LID is somewhat unique in that it was bid with the Gilham Road Sanitary Pump Station and <br />sanitary sewers. City staff combined the three improvements projects because they were in the <br />same vicinity and combining them was expected to lead to a cost saving. The final assessment is <br />only for the Paradise Development Inc. storm sewer portion, and the assessment only includes <br />the costs associated with the completion of the storm sewer portion of the project. <br />PROJECT <br />The project includes construction of 1,087 feet of storm sewer. <br />ASSESSMENT <br />Final <br />Under City of Eugene assessment policy,100percent of the assessable improvement costs will <br />be distributed to the benefited property owner. The final assessment unit costs are: <br />Storm Sewer $322,589.16 <br />The cost of the project attributable to the additional size of the storm sewer beyond the standard <br />assessable size will be paid by the City. <br />Cost to City: $387,395.61 <br />STGRM SE'~ERS ON GILHAM ROAD AND AYERS RGAD <br />FIlVAL ASSESSMENT <br />PAGE ~ <br />