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Projected- Cost <br />At the time of formation of the Local Improvement District following the bid opening, the <br />assessable unit costs listed below were quoted to property owners, based on the low bids received <br />prior to construction: <br />Storm Sewer cost to property owner $304,427.19 <br />Cost to City: $302,359.53 <br />The final improvement costs are higher than quoted prior to forming the local improvement <br />district, because of higher than expected groundwater conditions and utility conflicts that forced <br />delays in this project. <br />PUBLIC HEARING <br />The property owner was informed more than ten days in advance of the date of a scheduled <br />public hearing on the final assessment. The City Engineer submitted a report to the Hearings <br />Officer Exhibit B}. The property owner appeared at the hearing and raised several questions. <br />The property owner questioned the propriety of proceeding on the storm sewer improvements <br />without also undertaking street improvements. The property owner also questioned whether or <br />not his property was the only property benefited by the improvements. City engineering <br />personnel explained that the project had been initiated without waiting for the opportunity to <br />combine the storm sewer project with a street improvement project because the property owner <br />needed to have the existing storm sewer system redirected around the property. Because the <br />property owner was the only property that benefited from the project to redirect the storm sewer, <br />the property owner was the only one assessed. Minutes of the Public Hearing are attached as <br />Exhibit A. <br />FINDINGS AND RECGMMENDATIGNS <br />-- <br />Prnr.Pr~~~rP <br />The Hearings official finds that notice of the public hearing was provided in accordance with the <br />relevant provisions of the Eugene Code, and that all property owners were provided an <br />opportunity to participate in the proceedings. <br />Assessment of all Benefited Pro ernes <br />The single property in the local improvement district was the only benefited property. While <br />other properties may use the storm sewer, they derived no benefit from the project, because they <br />had been using the pre-existing storm sewer system prior to the project. The project was initiated <br />so that the benefited property could be developed, divided and sold as separate parcels. Without <br />STORM SEWERS 4N GtLHAM ROAD AND AYERS ROAD <br />FINAL ASSESSMENT PAGE 2 <br />