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Ordinance No. 20111
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 20111
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:49:09 PM
Creation date
1/13/2009 4:17:53 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance concerning public contracting; and amending sections 2.1220, 2.1225, 2.1230, and 2.1245 of the Eugene Code, 1971.
Approved Date
James D. Torrey
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~S} The city shall provide in every public contract for lawn and landscape <br />maintenance a condition requiring the contractor to compost or mulch yard waste materials at an <br />approved site, if feasible and cost-effective. <br />Section 3, Section ~.1~30 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is amended by adding a new <br />Subparagraph (1)(~ thereto, and amending Subsections (2), (4), and (5) thereof, to provide: <br />x.123 0 Public Contracts - Exem tions and Classifications. <br />~ 1 } The following classes of public contracts are exempt from competitive bidding <br />as public contracts that do not encourage favoritism or substantially diminish competition and that <br />result in substantial cast savings: <br />~q} Contracts accepted by the city manager pursuant to section 3.4156} <br />of this code for in-kind telecommunications services. <br />~2} The following classes of public contracts are hereby created and when the <br />procedure for each class is followed such contracts do not encourage favoritism nor substantially <br />diminish competition and do result in substantial cost savings: <br />~a} ~on~racts under $5,,00. The purchasing agent shall establish the <br />procedures for awarding contracts less than $5,000 in value for goods, services, or <br />both, or for public improvements; <br />fib} Contracts $S,O~~,,to..$10,000. All contracts for an amount which is <br />valued $5,000 or more but less than $10,000 shall be based on informal quotations <br />unless in the discretion of the purchasing agent the nature of the proposed contract <br />requires formal quotations or formal bids. The purchasing agent shall seek <br />quotations from a sufficiently large number of potential bidders to insure sufficient <br />competition to meet the best interests of the city and shall award the contract after <br />receiving at Ieast three responsive quotes. An award based on receiving less than <br />three quotes may be made only on a determination by the purchasing agent that <br />potential bidders were given a reasonable opportunity to submit quotes, <br />~c} Contracts 10 000 to 75 000. All contracts for an amount which is <br />valued $10,000 or more but less than $75,000 shall be based on formal quotations <br />unless in the discretion of the purchasing agent the nature of the proposed contract <br />requires formal bids. Unless the purchasing agent determines that mailed invitations <br />will notify a sufficiently large number of potential bidders to insure sufficient <br />competition to meet the interests of the city ar that an invitation published in a trade <br />journal will give better notice to potential bidders, the solicitation of formal <br />quotations shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation the <br />Eugene area. Commencing July 1,1995, advertisements for formal quotations may <br />be published electronically instead of in a newspaper of general circulation if the <br />purchasing agent determines that electronic advertisements for quotations are likely <br />to be cost-effective. <br />ordinance - 2 <br />
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