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~d} Contracts over 75 OOO. All contracts for $75,000 value or more shall <br />be based on formal bids. The solicitation for bids shall be published at least once in <br />a newspaper of general circulation in the Eugene area. Commencing July 1,1995, <br />advertisements for bids may be published electronically instead of in a newspaper of <br />general circulation if the purchasing agent determines that electronic advertisements <br />for bids are likely to be cost-effective. Yf the proposed contract is for a public <br />improvement with an estimated cost in excess of $125,000, the solicitation shall also <br />be published in a trade newspaper of general state-wide circulation. <br />The purchasing agent shall avoid purchasing practices which segregate a public contract into <br />contracts of lesser amounts for the sole purpose of avoiding the regulations of this subsection. <br />(4} ~a} As used in this subsection: "advertised" means any public notice <br />reasonably calculated to inform the prospective purchasers most likely to pay the <br />highest price; and a "liquidation sale" occurs when the purchasing agent establishes <br />a fixed sale price and terms for each item based on current market value, when the <br />item is sold to the first qualified buyer meeting the sale terms, and when the personal <br />property is displayed at a retail business open to the public during retail shopping <br />hours or at a location which has been advertised as the place of the liquidation sale. <br />fib} when it is declared surplus by the purchasing agent, all personal <br />property which the city has acquired shall be: <br />1. Traded in on the purchase of replacement equipment or goods; <br />2. Sold to highest bidder at an advertised public auction or after <br />an advertised call for bid; <br />3. Sold at liquidation sale if the price of each item is $5,000 or <br />less; or <br />4. 1n default of bids from others, sold at private sale without <br />further advertising or taking of bids. <br />The purchasing agent shall select the method of disposal which maximizes the value the city will <br />realize from disposal of the surplus property. <br />~5} when the purchasing agent finds an emergency exists because of <br />circumstances that could not have been reasonably foreseen that create a substantial risk of loss, <br />damage, interruption of services or threat to the public health or safety that requires prompt <br />execution of a contract to remedy the condition, ~s}he may waive any of the requirements of sections <br />2.1220 to 2.1245 when awarding a public contract. when a contract for more than $50,000 is <br />awarded after such a waiver, at the next meeting of the council following the waiver, the purchasing <br />agent shall submit a written report stating with specificity the emergency conditions necessitating <br />prompt execution, the provisions waived, the public contracts for more than $50,000 awarded under <br />this subsection, and the length of time the emergency conditions are expected to persist. Upon <br />receiving the purchasing agent's report required by this subsection, the council may modify or re j ect <br />the decisions of the purchasing agent. In any event, any contract awarded under this subsection must <br />be awarded within 60 days fallowing the declaration of the emergency by the purchasing agent, <br />Ordinance - 3 <br />