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unless the council grants an extension. Furthermore, the cost of contracts awarded under this <br />subsection shall not exceed the unexpended appropriation for operating contingencies. At the <br />conclusion of emergency authorization, the purchasing agent shall submit to the council another <br />written report of the public contracts awarded under waivers for more than $50,000 during the <br />emergency. <br />Section 4. Subsection ~3} of Section 2.1245 of the Eugene Cade, 1971, is amended to <br />prove e; <br />2.1245 Public Contracts - Exem tion and Waiver of Bid and Performance Bonds. <br />security. <br />~3} All public improvement contracts for $75,000 ar more shall require bid <br />Section 5. The City Recorder, at the request of, or with the concurrence of the City Attorney, <br />is authorized to a ' 'stratively correct any reference errors contained herein ar in other provisions <br />of the Eugene Code,1971, to the provisions added, amended or repealed herein. <br />Passed by the City Council this Approved by the Mayor this <br />6th day of April, 1998 <br />City Recorder <br />ordinance - 4 <br />6th day of April,1998 <br />