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~3} thence, easterly along the north right-af-way line of said al le to <br />the west ri ht-of-wa line of Ch y <br />g y arnelton Street, <br />~4} thence, northerly along the west right-of-way line of Charneltan <br />Street to the northwest carnet of the intersection of 7th Avenue and <br />Charnelton Street; <br />~5} thence, easterly along the north right-of-way line of lth Avenue to <br />the northwest corner of the intersection of 7th Avenue and olive Street• <br />~6} thence, northerly along the west right-of-way line of Olive Street <br />to the northwest corner of the intersection of 6th Avenue and olive Street• <br />~1} thence, easterly along the north right-of-way line of fith Avenue to <br />the northeast carver of the intersection of 6th Avenue and Oak Street • <br />~8} thence, southerly along the east right-of-way line of oak Street to <br />the northeast corner of Dak Street and South Park Avenue; <br />~9} thence, easterly along the north right-of-way line of South Park <br />Avenue extended to the east right-af-way line of Pearl Street; <br />CIO} thence, southerly along the east line of Pearl Street to the south- <br />east corner of the intersection of Pearl Street and I1th Avenue; <br />X11} thence, westerly along the south line of Ilth Avenue to the oint <br />of be innin . p <br />g g <br />40 -- and Objectives <br />e,ct i on::_-.Q: Goal s.:.: ,.....~~.,.: _ :.._,:~..~ <br />G <br />The goals of the Central Eugene Project P]an are: <br />1. To improve the function, condition, and appearance of the develo - <br />gh. <br />ment area throw p <br />a. Redevelopment and rehabilitation of substandard buildings; <br />b. Improved access and circulation i n the downtown area; <br />.~ <br />c. Provision of pedestrian amenities. <br />2. To eliminate blight and blighting influences; and <br />3. To strengthen the economic conditions of the plan area and to im- <br />prove the downtown's importance in the region by strengthening its <br />economic base and to enhance its role as a central location for <br />public and private development and investment. <br />Ob'ectives <br />Development in,the Central Eugene Project area is intended to im lenient <br />of ~ c~ es conta~ ~ ~ P <br />p` ned ~n the adopted Downtown P1 an. Spec~f~cally, the ob~ec- <br />t~ves of this plan are: <br />Land Use <br />- Promote intensity of use through development of publicly and pri- <br />vately owned land, <br />_~- <br />