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the lines may overlap, but impacts for work on one line are allowed only within <br />the corridor width for that line, not the combined width of both lines. <br />b. The .corridors for above ground utility lines shall be 1 ~ feet wide for single pole <br />structures and 20 feet wide for double pole ("H-style"} structures. <br />c. The utility corridors shall be centered on an existing utility line, extending an <br />equal distance half the allowed width} on both sides, except for corridors for new <br />utility lines, which shall be located as specified in subsection d below. <br />d. Construction of new utility lines and new connections to existing utility lines <br />within wetlands designated for protection shall require an amendment of this plan <br />to change the designation from "protect" to "utility line corridor." Such <br />amendments will only be allowed where it is demanstrated that: <br />1 } an alternatives analysis has concluded that locating the new utility line <br />within a protected wetland is the best alternative. The alternatives analysis <br />shall compare alternatives that are completely outside of protected <br />wetlands and compare them to any alternatives that impact protected <br />wetlands. The alternatives shall be evaluated by weighing engineering <br />requirements and total environmental impacts including impacts to <br />~~~~~ <br />~rrspec~es and their habitat, and to wetlands <br />~„ JIi,~JM' ~:4Sf~~ <br />designated in the Plan for restoration or protection. <br />2} the new construction cannot reasonably be constructed completely outside <br />of wetlands designated for protection as demonstrated in the above- <br />referencedalternativesanalysis; <br />3} the utility lines are located so as to reduce the impact to wetlands <br />designated for protection as much as possible, and in no case shall a <br />cumulative area greater than 1 acre be redesignated from "protection" to <br />"utility corridor" for a new utility line; <br />4} unavoidable impacts will be mitigated through restoration of the project's <br />entire impact area; <br />5} there are no impacts to wetlands from new utility lines installed within the <br />willow Creek Natural Area; and <br />d} impacts to rare plant and animal species <br />ragram will not occur, <br />e. ether than the activities described in this policy, these corridors shall be treated as <br />protected wetlands. Allowed activities shall be conducted in such a manner as to <br />Text Amendments Ordinance, exhibit A ~~ist of Amendments} page ~ <br />