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minimize adverse impacts to the maximum extent possible upon the wetlands <br />within the corridor itself and within surrounding protected wetlands. Wetland <br />impacts shall be limited to the minimum area necessary. Utility agencies shall use <br />the best feasible technology to pinpoint the location of needed repairs prior to <br />excavation in order to limit the area of impact. <br />f. Except for emergency repairs, these activities shall be planned and timed to <br />minimize adverse impacts to wetlands. <br />g. All impacts shall be followed by restoration activities including: <br />1 } backfilling with existing native soil within three feet of the surface <br />whenever passible, and in no case less than two feet; and <br />2) grading and re-seeding andlor replanting with appropriate native plant <br />species. <br />h, Any unavoidable impacts to rare plant species shall be mitigated through <br />coordinated transplanting or other measures. <br />S5. This amendment was combined with #S4 and included in ordinance No. 20119 adopted <br />by the City Council on May 20,1998 and Ordinance No. PA 1117 adopted by the Board <br />of County Commissioners on June 24,1998.} <br />S6. This amendment was addressed in Ordinance No. 20119 adopted by the City Council on <br />May 20,1995 and Ordinance No. PA 1117 adopted by the Board of County <br />Commissioners on June 24,1998.} <br />57. Add a new policy; <br />"The plant and animal species listed below shall be considered rare for the purposes and <br />policies of this Plan:" <br />Rare Plants: <br />white-topped aster <br />Willamette daisy <br />shaggy horkelia <br />Bradshaw's lomatium <br />timwort <br />Rare Animals: <br />northwestern pond turtle <br />Aster curtus <br />Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens <br />Horkel is congesta <br />Lomatium bradshawii <br />Cicendia quadrangularis <br />Clemmys marmorata marmorata <br />~'ext Amendments Ordinance, Exhibit A List of Amendments) Page 8 <br />