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Therefore this proposed Metro plan diagram amendment is consistent with Goal 5. <br />Goal 6, Air,'~Vater and Land Resources Quality: To maintain and improve the quality o the <br />f <br />air, water and land resources of the state. <br />The proposed air cargo improvements would relocate existing services, not increase the intensi <br />. ~' <br />of existing operations to any significant degree. Th1s proposal for Metro Plan diagram <br />amendment is not anticipated to directly impact waste and process discharges that would impact <br />the quality of air, water, and land resources. Any and all future development on the property <br />must comply with aII local, state, and federal standards and guidelines pertaining to emission <br />discharge and process regulations. These and other Goal 6 considerations would be addressed <br />through the normal building permit processes when future development occurs on the property. <br />Updates to the Airport Master Plan will address future uses not contemplated at this time such <br />an update has recently been initiated by the City of Eugene}. <br />Since Federal, state and local safeguards are already in place to protect air, water, and land <br />resources through the planning and construction code processes, this Metro Plan diagram <br />amendment does not affect consistency with Goal 6. <br />Goa17, Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards: To protect life and property from <br />natural disasters and hazards. <br />The possible hazards that are of primary concern at this site are the occurrence of the 100-year <br />flood. No other conditions indicate that unusual precaution is warranted to prevent damage from <br />a natural disaster or other hazard. <br />The 100-year flood plain is not located on the portion of property affected by this Metro Plan <br />amendment for the air cargo facility and, therefore, poses no hazard. The nearest 100-year flood <br />plain is located south of the subs ect site, nearer to Kokkeler Road. Even for properties affected <br />by the flood plain, development is not precluded, but rather a requirement for extraordinary <br />construction measures within the floodplain bounds is imposed by existing zoning regulations. <br />Any future construction on the property must comply with local, state, and federal regulations <br />concerning safe construction, including construction within the 100-year flood plain should the <br />federal flood zone maps be amended in the future} and on lands proximate to an airport. <br />Continued compliance will occur through protections established by Lane County's building, <br />fire, planning, and other codes. This Metro Plan diagram amendment does not affect Metro Plan <br />consistency with Goal 7. <br />Goal S, Recreational Needs: To satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and <br />visitors and, where appropriate, to provide for the siting of necessary recreational facilities <br />including destination resorts. <br />Exhibit C, Findings - 7 <br />