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The State has recognized the importance of public airport facilities and the need to ex and such <br />... p <br />fac~l~t~es to meet growing demand by declaring the consistency of limited ai ort ex ansions or <br />~ p <br />alterations with Goal 3. Based on the f ndings of consistency with Goal 12 and GAR 660-012- <br />065~1}and ~3}fin}, this Metro Plan diagram amendment is consistent with Goal 3. <br />Goal 4, Forest Land: To conserve forest lands by maintaining the forest land base and to <br />protect the state's forest economy by making possible economically e~cient forest practices that <br />assure the continuous growing and harvesting of forest tree species as the leading use on orest <br />f <br />land consistent with sound management of soil, air, water, and~sh and wildlife resources and to <br />provide for recreational opportunities and agriculture. <br />This proposal is consistent with and does not require an exception from Statewide Plannin Goal <br />g <br />4 pursuant to GAR 660-012-065 ~ 1 }and 660-012-0653 }fin}, which state, <br />660-012-0651}Phis rule identifies transportation facilities, services and <br />improvements which may be permitted on rural lands consistent with <br />Goals 3, 4,11, and 14 without a goal exception. <br />660-012-0653}fin} The following transportation improvements are <br />consistent with goals 3, 4,11, and 14 sub ject to the requirements of this <br />rule: <br />(n) Expansions or alterations of public use airports that do not <br />permit service to a larger class of airplanes. <br />Based on the findings of consistency with Goal 12 and GAR 660-012-0651} and ~3}fin}, this <br />Metro Plan diagram amendment is consistent with Goal 4. <br />Goal 5, Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources; To conserve open <br />space and protect natural and scenic resources. <br />wetlands are the natural resource of primary concern in the praj ect area, The reduction of the <br />area of amendment from 28.38 acres to 9.1 acres avoids areas with hydric soils and jurisdictional <br />wetlands ~Goa15 concerns}. A wetland delineation was prepared for the project site hand <br />additional lands to the south} in February 1998 by Scoles Associates,lnc. This delineation found <br />no jurisdictional wetlands on the 9.1 acres subject to this Metro Plan amendment and zone <br />change. No changes to Goal 5 inventories are required by this amendment. <br />Based on a preliminary review of the area conducted by the Gregon State Historic Preservation <br />Office for the adjacent air cargo facility, there are also no significant historic or archaeological <br />sites that would be affected by this amendment. Consultation with the City's staff historian <br />revealed no reason to suspect that the site subject to this Metro Plan amendment and zone change <br />would contain any significant historic or archaeological sites. <br />Exhlblt C, Findings - 6 <br />