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EXHIBIT C <br />FINDINGS IN SUPPORT OF THE ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE- <br />SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM AND <br />SUBAREA MAP TG REDESIGNATE A 9.1 ACRE PGRTIGN OF PRGPERTY <br />IDENTIFIED AS ASSESSOR MAP 17-04-o7-OO, TAX LOT loo FRGM AIRPORT <br />RESERVE TD GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION AND CHANGING THE AIRPGRT <br />MASTER PLAN REFINEMENT PLAN} ON-AIRPORT LAND USE PLAN LAND USE <br />DESIGNATION FRGM ENVIRGNMENTAL BUFFER TO AIR CARGO <br />The following f ndings pertain to the Air Cargo expansion, assessor map 17-04-07-00, tax lot <br />loo. <br />CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING A METRO PLAN AMENDMENT <br />The following criteria from EC 9.1 ~S(3}shall be applied by the City Council in a rovin or <br />pP g <br />denying a Metro Plan amendment application: <br />~a} The amendment must be consistent with the relevant statewide planning goals <br />adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission. <br />fib} Adoption of the amendment must not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. <br />EC 9.1364} provides that when a Metro Plan amendment is enacted that requires an amendment <br />to a refinement plan or functional plan diagram ar map for consistency, the Metro Plan dia ram <br />g <br />amendment automatically amends the refinement plan or functional plan diagram or map if no <br />amendment to the refnement plan or functional plan text is involved. <br />Based on substantial evidence in the record, and sub j ect to revision and adoption of additional <br />findings in connection with approval of a text amendment to the Willakenzie Area Plan <br />pertaining to the site, the Eugene City Council finds as follows: <br />Metro Plan Amendment Criteria #1: <br />EC 9.1 Z8 3 a The amendment must be consistent with the relevant statewide Tannin oals <br />ado ted b the Land Conservation and Develo ment Commission. <br />Introduction: The nineteen Statewide Planning Goals, adopted by the Land Conservation and <br />Development Commission, are the foundation to Oregon's land use planning system. In addition <br />to the Goals, the Commission has adopted administrative rules to guide local governments in <br />complying with the Goals. <br />Issues raised in public hearings about this proposed Metro Plan amendment to accommodate an <br />expansion of the Eugene Airport air cargo facilities centered primarily on the followin <br />g <br />Exhibit C, Findings -1 <br />