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Statewide Planning Goals: <br />Goal 3: Agricultural Lands <br />Goal 4: Forest Lands <br />Goal 5: Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources <br />Goal 11;Public Facilities and Services <br />Goal 12: Transportation <br />Goal 14: Urbanization <br />Many of these issues have been addressed by the reduction of the area of amendment from 28.3 $ <br />acres to 9.1 acres and by the addition of a concurrent amendment to the Airport Master Plan <br />refinement plan} On Airport Land Use Plan diagram that will designate the property as Air <br />Cargo to limit future use of the property, <br />The reduction in area of the amendment avoids areas with hydric soils and jurisdictional <br />wetlands Goal 5 concerns}, and avoids adding new areas of undetermined use to the airport, for <br />which traffic generation Goal 12} was an issue. Additional traffic information is provided <br />below under Goal 12 to assess the probable traffic impacts of this amendment. <br />Other issues collectively pertained to the transition of rural lands to that of airportwrelated uses. <br />Generally, Statewide Planning Goals require that urban development and public facilities serving <br />that urban development be restricted to areas within Urban Growth Boundaries ~UGBs}. <br />Expansion of UGBs or extension of facilities beyond those boundaries typically require <br />exceptions to one or more Statewide Planning Goals. <br />Airports are transportation facilities that serve both urban and rural areas. Airports are often not <br />compatible with other urban development due to noise, traffic, and hazards, and are typically <br />located outside UGBs to provide a separation between airport activities and urban areas. The <br />Transportation Planning Rule addresses the apparent paradox of locating large facilities like <br />airports outside UGBs and, as stated below, "identifies transportation facilities, services, and <br />improvements which may be permitted on rural lands consistent with Goals 3, 4,11, and 14 <br />without a oal exce tion" SOAR 660-~ 12-0065 1 }, emphasis added}: <br />The following transportation improvements are consistent with goals 3, 4,11, and 14 <br />subject <br />to the requirements of this rule: <br />fin) Expansions or alterations of public use airports that do not <br />permit service to a larger class of airplanes. SOAR 660-012- <br />065~3}fin}} <br />This rule exempts this expansion to the Eugene Airport from needing exceptions to Statewide <br />Planning Goals 3 Agricultural Lands}, Goal 4 Forest Lands}, Goal 11(Public Facilities and <br />Services}, and Goal 14 ~[Jrbanization}. <br />Exhibit C, Findings - 2 <br />