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Ordinance No. 20133
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 20133
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:49:18 PM
Creation date
1/14/2009 1:26:54 PM
Council Ordinances
Adopting a text amendment to the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan to modify Section II-C and Section IV, Policy 5.b., and to transfer jurisdiction for Glenwood from Eugene to Springfield.
Approved Date
James D. Torrey
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Following a transfer of jurisdiction, key urban facilities and services will continue to be provided <br />to incorporated areas in Glenwood consistent with the Metro Plan. Project lists in the PFP will not <br />be affected by this proposal. Therefore, this proposal is in compliance with Goal 11. <br />Goal 12--Transportation; To provide and encourage a safe, convenient and econamic <br />transportation system. <br />The proposal will change service providers in the incorporated area of Glenwood from the City of <br />Eugene to the City of Springfield. Springfield will maintain the same level of service in <br />incorporated areas and wi11 provide service to newly annexing areas. All of the road projects in <br />Glenwood in the Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan ~TransPlan} are on the state system. <br />Section 660-~ 1 ~-0060 of the Transportation Planning Rule requires evaluation of a comprehensive <br />plan amendment to determine if the amendment significantly affects a transportation facility. The <br />proposed Metro Plan text amendments do not: change the functional classification of an existing <br />or planned transportation facility; change standards implementing a functional classification system; <br />allow types or levels of land uses which would result in levels of travel or access which are <br />inconsistent with the functional classif cation of a transportation facility; or reduce the level of <br />service of a facility below the minimum acceptable level identified in the Metropolitan Area <br />Transportation Plan ~TransPlan}. <br />The proposed amendments will not signif cantly affect a transportation facility and will not affect <br />compliance with policies or pro jects contained in TransPlan, a functional refinement to the Metro <br />Plan, acknowledged as complying with the requirements of Goal 12, Therefore, the amendments <br />will not affect Metro Plan compliance with Goal 12. <br />Goal 13 Energy Conservation: To conserve energy. <br />This Goal is not relevant because the amendments do not involve any additional development <br />that would consider energy conservation systems, or the recycling and reuse of vacant land per the <br />guidelines associated with Goal 13. The amendments will not affect Metro Plan compliance with <br />Goal 13. <br />Goal 14~-Urbanization: To provide for an orderly and e~cient transition from rural to urban <br />land use. <br />Glenwood is within the metropolitan Urban Growth Boundary and has been or can be provided all <br />necessary urban services. The amendments do not convert land from rural to urban use. Therefore, <br />this Goal is not relevant and the amendments will not affect Metro Plan compliance with Goal 14. <br />Goa115-Willamette River Greenway: To protect, conserve, enhance and maintain the <br />natural, scenic, historical, agricultural, econamic and recreational qualities of lands along the <br />Wllamette Diver as the Yllamette River ~reenway. <br />7 <br />
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