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Ordinance No. 20133
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 20133
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Last modified
6/10/2010 3:49:18 PM
Creation date
1/14/2009 1:26:54 PM
Council Ordinances
Adopting a text amendment to the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan to modify Section II-C and Section IV, Policy 5.b., and to transfer jurisdiction for Glenwood from Eugene to Springfield.
Approved Date
James D. Torrey
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a. A minimum level of key urban facilities and services can be provided to the area <br />in an orderly and eff cient manner. They consist of sanitary sewers, solid waste <br />management, water service, fire and emergency medical services, police protection, <br />parks and recreation programs, electric service, land use controls, communication <br />facilities, and public schools on a district-wide basis din other words, not <br />necessarily within walking distance of all students served}. Paved streets with <br />adequate provision for stormwater runoff and pedestrian travel, meeting applicable <br />local policies, are important, particularly in new developments and along existin <br />~, g <br />streets heavily used by pedestrians. Metro Plan Policy #7, page II-B-4} <br />"8. A full range of key urban facilities and services shall be provided to urban areas <br />according to demonstrated need and budgetary priorities. They include, in addition to <br />the minimum level of key urban facilities and services, urban public transit, natural as, <br />. ... g <br />storm drainage facilities, street lighting, librarres, local parks, local recreation facilities <br />and services, and health services." Metro Plan Policy #8, page II-B-4} <br />"16. Eugene and Springfield and their respective utility branches, Eugene Water and <br />Electric Board and Springfield Utility Board, shall be the water and electrical service <br />providers within the urban growth boundary." Metro Plan Policy # 16, page II-B-~ <br />} <br />Following adoption of the proposed Metro Plan text amendments, Springfield and Eu ene and their <br />g <br />respective utilities, EwEB and SUB, will engage in a process to transition service rovision in <br />p <br />Glenwood from Eugene to Springfield. This transition process will need to address servicin issues <br />g <br />related to the incorporated portions of Glenwood because these areas are now receivin munici al <br />. g p <br />services from Eugene. Intergovernmental agreements will be revised or developed to ensure service <br />levels are maintained in incorporated areas during the transition. <br />The proposed Metro Plan amendments will transfer from Eugene to Springfeld ultimate <br />responsibility for providing services to Glenwood. The City of Eugene has made a major investment <br />in Glenwood in expenditures for sanitary sewers and development of the Glenwood Ref nement <br />Plan. An intergovernmental agreement between Eugene and Springf eld to reimburse Eu ene for <br />g <br />these costs will accompany the ordinance to amend the Metro Plan text; and the Cities of S rin field <br />p g <br />and Eugene will coordinate with Lane County to amend the separate Urban Transition Agreements <br />0n Streets and Roads to reflect the transfer of jurisdiction. <br />The May 4, I998 Glenwood Jurisdictional Study identifies a number of issues related to the <br />provision of services to Glenwood. The ordinance adapting these Metro Plan text amendments and <br />the accompanying intergovernmental agreement will include actions to be taken to resolve issues <br />associated with the transfer. These actions will ensure a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement <br />of public facilities and services to serve Glenwood. <br />This proposal does not change prof ect lists in the Eugene-Springfield Public Facilities Plan ~PFP}. <br />6 <br />
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