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Exhibit C <br />Findings of Consistency with Eugene Code, <br />Metro Plan and West Eugene Wetlands Plan Policies <br />These findings apply to both of the amendments included in the accompanying ordinance. The <br />planned transportation corridor policy in the Nest Eugene Wetlands Plan ~WEWP} was analyzed <br />for consistency with all applicable policies from the Metropolitan General Plan Metro Plan} as <br />well as the remaining policies of the WEWP at the time of adoption of the policy. Therefore, site <br />designations that are consistent with this policy are considered consistent with the Metro Plan <br />and WEWP policies as well. Even though demonstration of consistency with this WEWP policy <br />would be sufficient to establish consistency with the Metro Plan, this document also includes <br />analysis of the sites against the applicable goals and policies of the Metro Plan. <br />Section 9.145 of the Eugene Code gives the criteria used to determine whether a proposed <br />refinement plan amendment should be approved or not. The proposed amendments must be <br />consistent with the criteria in section 9.145 to be approved. <br />A. Consistency with Metro Plan <br />Section 9.145 ~2}~a} "The plan amendment is consistent with the Metropolitan Area <br />General Plan;" <br />Findings: The Eugene Planning Commission has found that the two proposed amendments are <br />consistent with the Metro Plan. The Metropolitan Plan (Metro Plan} diagram designates the <br />affected properties for Campus Industrial West 11 ~} and Medium Density Residential West <br />18t~}. However, both sites are within City-owned right of way, and no zonin rovisions a l . <br />gp pPY <br />Where apparent conflicts exist between Metro Plan policy and the Metro Plan diagram, the text <br />prevails. The analysis here relies primarily on the text of the Metro Plan. <br />The thrust of the West Eugene Wetlands Plan has been to attempt to balance development within <br />wetland areas with protection of the most valuable wetlands, and replacement of lost wetlands <br />through mitigation. These amendments are consistent with that approach, in that any wetlands <br />f fled within the Planned Transportation Corridor would be replaced through mitigation. <br />Furthermore, this approach is supported by Metro Plan policies listed below, which call for <br />protection of wetlands as well as maintaining adequate land for development. The process of <br />designating wetlands for protection and development is, in part, directed by state and federal <br />laws, which set forth guidelines for determining whether a given wetland can be filled and <br />developed. Within this regulatory context, the proposed amendments are appropriate and <br />consistent with Metro Plan policy. <br />Ordinance, Exhibit C (Metro Ptan and WEWP Findings) Page 1 <br />