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Ordinance No. 20147
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 20147
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Last modified
6/10/2010 3:49:23 PM
Creation date
1/14/2009 2:13:05 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance amending the West Eugene Wetlands Plan by adopting planned transportation corridor wetland designations for city properties located within the W. 18th and W. 11th Avenue Road Improvement Projects.
Approved Date
James D. Torrey
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Exhibit C <br />Findings of Consistency with Eugene Code, <br />Metro Plan and West Eugene Wetlands Plan Policies <br />These findings apply to both of the amendments included in the accompanying ordinance. The <br />planned transportation corridor policy in the Nest Eugene Wetlands Plan ~WEWP} was analyzed <br />for consistency with all applicable policies from the Metropolitan General Plan Metro Plan} as <br />well as the remaining policies of the WEWP at the time of adoption of the policy. Therefore, site <br />designations that are consistent with this policy are considered consistent with the Metro Plan <br />and WEWP policies as well. Even though demonstration of consistency with this WEWP policy <br />would be sufficient to establish consistency with the Metro Plan, this document also includes <br />analysis of the sites against the applicable goals and policies of the Metro Plan. <br />Section 9.145 of the Eugene Code gives the criteria used to determine whether a proposed <br />refinement plan amendment should be approved or not. The proposed amendments must be <br />consistent with the criteria in section 9.145 to be approved. <br />A. Consistency with Metro Plan <br />Section 9.145 ~2}~a} "The plan amendment is consistent with the Metropolitan Area <br />General Plan;" <br />Findings: The Eugene Planning Commission has found that the two proposed amendments are <br />consistent with the Metro Plan. The Metropolitan Plan (Metro Plan} diagram designates the <br />affected properties for Campus Industrial West 11 ~} and Medium Density Residential West <br />18t~}. However, both sites are within City-owned right of way, and no zonin rovisions a l . <br />gp pPY <br />Where apparent conflicts exist between Metro Plan policy and the Metro Plan diagram, the text <br />prevails. The analysis here relies primarily on the text of the Metro Plan. <br />The thrust of the West Eugene Wetlands Plan has been to attempt to balance development within <br />wetland areas with protection of the most valuable wetlands, and replacement of lost wetlands <br />through mitigation. These amendments are consistent with that approach, in that any wetlands <br />f fled within the Planned Transportation Corridor would be replaced through mitigation. <br />Furthermore, this approach is supported by Metro Plan policies listed below, which call for <br />protection of wetlands as well as maintaining adequate land for development. The process of <br />designating wetlands for protection and development is, in part, directed by state and federal <br />laws, which set forth guidelines for determining whether a given wetland can be filled and <br />developed. Within this regulatory context, the proposed amendments are appropriate and <br />consistent with Metro Plan policy. <br />Ordinance, Exhibit C (Metro Ptan and WEWP Findings) Page 1 <br />
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