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Conclusions <br />The above findings show that these amendments to the West Eugene Wetlands Plan are <br />consistent with Oregon Statewide Planning Goals 1, 5, 9 and 10. This conclusion is based on: l <br />} <br />there ~s no impact an the overall supply of industrial, commercial and residential land, 2} these <br />amendments will not prohibit meeting the prof ected twenty~year buildable land for industrial, <br />commercial and residential land, 3}the abundant opportunities provided far citizen involvement <br />throughout the planning process and 4} consistency of these amendments with existing Metro <br />Plan and West Eugene Wetlands Plan goals and policies. No further analysis of Statewide <br />Planning Gaals is necessary for these amendments to the West Eugene Wetlands Plan BRA. 96-1. <br />} <br />Ordinance, Exhibit B Statewide Planning Goal ~'indings~ Page 6 <br />