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Exhibit B <br />Findings of Consistency with <br />Oregon Statewide Planning Goals <br />The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan is a local comprehensive plan <br />acknowledged by the state's Land Conservation and Development Commission, and the Nest <br />Eugene Wetlands Plan is an adopted refinement plan to the Metro Plan, This document contains <br />findings that address the consistency of the attached amendments to the West Eugene Wetlands <br />Plan with applicable Oregon Statewide Planning Goals City of Eugene File R.A 9d-Oa 1 }. <br />These amendments to the West Eugene Wetlands Plan affect three land use categories: natural <br />resources, industrial and commercial lands, and residential lands. Accordingly, this analysis <br />addresses Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 1 Citizen involvement}, Goal 5 Open Spaces, <br />Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources}, Goal 9 Economic Development} and Gaal <br />1 U Housing}. This document also contains findings and conclusions on the impacts of the <br />amendments on the supply of industrial, commercial and residential lands in the Eugene- <br />SpringfieldMetropolitan area. This analysis concludes that these refnement plan amendments <br />are consistent with applicable Oregon Statewide Planning Goals. <br />Background <br />The two amendments analyzed herein are changes to the Wetland Designations Map Map 3} of <br />the West Eugene Wetlands Plan. This map applies one or mare of several def ned wetland <br />designations to each inventoried wetland in the study area. These amendments only involve the <br />application of the "Planned Transportation Corridor" designation. This designation is applied to <br />areas previously designated for restoration or protection to allow needed roadway improvements. <br />Since these amendments only apply this designation to nonwbuildable areas ~i.e., wetlands <br />designated for protection or restoration} and the designation only allows road improvements, they <br />do not affect the buildable land inventory. <br />Goal 1~Cit~zen Involvement <br />Statewide Goa11 calls for local governments "to develop a citizen involvement program that <br />insures the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process." The <br />planning and adoption process for these amendments has incorporated many opportunities for <br />citizen involvement at all phases of the process as detailed below. <br />l . This process began with a wetland inventory project in 1993, for which all <br />affected property owners were contacted to obtain permission for the study to be <br />conducted on their property. Only properties where owners gave permission were <br />included in anon-site study. <br />at~dinance, Exhibit B (Statewide Blanning Goat Findings) Wage 1 <br />