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Ordinance No. 20147
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 20147
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Last modified
6/10/2010 3:49:23 PM
Creation date
1/14/2009 2:13:05 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance amending the West Eugene Wetlands Plan by adopting planned transportation corridor wetland designations for city properties located within the W. 18th and W. 11th Avenue Road Improvement Projects.
Approved Date
James D. Torrey
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2. After the wetland inventory was completed, the results were presented at a public <br />workshop held on December 11,1993. All affected owners, and everyone on the <br />West Eugene Wetlands Plan interested parties list amore than 800 people} were <br />sent notices about the workshop. <br />3. After studying the new wetland inventory data and incorporating citizen <br />comments from the 1993 Workshop, a second workshop was held to present to <br />the public preliminary staff recommendations for amendments to the West Eugene <br />Wetlands Plan. This workshop was held on June 28,1994 and notices were sent <br />to all those that got the earlier notice plus any wha requested to be an the mailing <br />est. <br />4, A third public workshop was held on December 5,1995 to present revised staff <br />recommendations for amendments to the public. Again, notice was sent to all <br />affected property owners and more than 900 interested parties. Citizen and <br />agency comments from this workshop were incorporated into the staff <br />recommendations forwarded to the Eugene and Lane County Planning <br />Commissions. <br />5. Dn March 1$,1996, a public hearing was held before the Eugene and Lane <br />County Planning Commissions regarding both text and map amendments to the <br />West Eugene Wetlands Plan, including the Planned Transportation Corridor <br />policy and its application to the two subject sites. Notice was sent to all affected <br />property owners, all owners and occupants within 400 feet of affected properties, <br />affected neighborhood groups and more than 900 interested parties. Bright orange <br />notices were posted next to each affected property regarding the hearing. <br />6. 0n December 17,1997, a second public hearing was held before the Eugene <br />Planning Commission and the Lane County Planning Commission regarding four <br />specific issues, not including the Planned Transportation Corridor policy and its <br />application to the two subj ect sites. Notice was sent to all affected property <br />owners and all who requested to receive notice, and all who participated in the <br />Planning Commission proceedings. Notice was sent out more than 20 days before <br />the hearing. The amendments and supporting documents were posted on the City <br />of Eugene's World Wide Web Homepage before the hearing. <br />7. an February 1$,1998 a public hearing was held before the Eugene City Council <br />and the Lane County Board of Commissioners regarding policy amendments that <br />included the Planned Transportation Policy language. [The two site specific <br />amendments addressed herein were not included in the proposed amendments <br />heard at that meeting. Notice was sent to all affected property owners and all <br />who requested to receive notice, and all who participated in the Planning <br />Commission proceedings. Notice was sent out more than ZO days before the <br />hearing. The amendments and supporting documents were posted on the City of <br />Ordinance, Exhibit B Statewide Planning Goal Findings} page 2 <br />
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