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2. After the wetland inventory was completed, the results were presented at a public <br />workshop held on December 11,1993. All affected owners, and everyone on the <br />West Eugene Wetlands Plan interested parties list amore than 800 people} were <br />sent notices about the workshop. <br />3. After studying the new wetland inventory data and incorporating citizen <br />comments from the 1993 Workshop, a second workshop was held to present to <br />the public preliminary staff recommendations for amendments to the West Eugene <br />Wetlands Plan. This workshop was held on June 28,1994 and notices were sent <br />to all those that got the earlier notice plus any wha requested to be an the mailing <br />est. <br />4, A third public workshop was held on December 5,1995 to present revised staff <br />recommendations for amendments to the public. Again, notice was sent to all <br />affected property owners and more than 900 interested parties. Citizen and <br />agency comments from this workshop were incorporated into the staff <br />recommendations forwarded to the Eugene and Lane County Planning <br />Commissions. <br />5. Dn March 1$,1996, a public hearing was held before the Eugene and Lane <br />County Planning Commissions regarding both text and map amendments to the <br />West Eugene Wetlands Plan, including the Planned Transportation Corridor <br />policy and its application to the two subject sites. Notice was sent to all affected <br />property owners, all owners and occupants within 400 feet of affected properties, <br />affected neighborhood groups and more than 900 interested parties. Bright orange <br />notices were posted next to each affected property regarding the hearing. <br />6. 0n December 17,1997, a second public hearing was held before the Eugene <br />Planning Commission and the Lane County Planning Commission regarding four <br />specific issues, not including the Planned Transportation Corridor policy and its <br />application to the two subj ect sites. Notice was sent to all affected property <br />owners and all who requested to receive notice, and all who participated in the <br />Planning Commission proceedings. Notice was sent out more than 20 days before <br />the hearing. The amendments and supporting documents were posted on the City <br />of Eugene's World Wide Web Homepage before the hearing. <br />7. an February 1$,1998 a public hearing was held before the Eugene City Council <br />and the Lane County Board of Commissioners regarding policy amendments that <br />included the Planned Transportation Policy language. [The two site specific <br />amendments addressed herein were not included in the proposed amendments <br />heard at that meeting. Notice was sent to all affected property owners and all <br />who requested to receive notice, and all who participated in the Planning <br />Commission proceedings. Notice was sent out more than ZO days before the <br />hearing. The amendments and supporting documents were posted on the City of <br />Ordinance, Exhibit B Statewide Planning Goal Findings} page 2 <br />