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Ordinance No. 20147
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 20147
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Last modified
6/10/2010 3:49:23 PM
Creation date
1/14/2009 2:13:05 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance amending the West Eugene Wetlands Plan by adopting planned transportation corridor wetland designations for city properties located within the W. 18th and W. 11th Avenue Road Improvement Projects.
Approved Date
James D. Torrey
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Eugene's World Wide Web Homepage before the hearing, <br />S. Gn February 22,1999, the Eugene City Council held a public hearing on these <br />two site specific amendments. Notice of the hearing was sent to all affected <br />property owners and to owners and occupants living within 300 feet of the <br />affected sites 20 days in advance of the hearing. <br />We find that the opportunities for citizen involvement detailed above are adequate to achieve <br />consistency with Goal 1. <br />Goal 5~U en S aces Scenic and Historic Areas and Natural Areas <br />The purpose of Goa15 is to protect natural resources, and conserve scenic and historic areas and <br />open spaces. In addition to the Goal, the Land Conservation and Development Commission has <br />adopted an administrative rule to aid local government in achieving the requirements of the Goal. <br />The original Goal 5 Rule, DAR 660, Division 16, was adopted in 1991; revisions to the Goal 5 <br />Rule were adopted in 1996 as OAR 660, Division 23. The 1991 Goal 5 Rule continues to apply <br />topost-acknowledgment plan amendments, such as the West Eugene Wetlands Plan <br />amendments, initiated before September 1,1996. <br />Goal 5 and the 1991 Goal 5 Rule focus on the process required to prepare a Goal 5 inventory and <br />develop a program to achieve the goal on asite-specific basis, through preservation of a resource <br />site; allowing conflicting uses and the loss of the resource; or mitigating negative impacts <br />associated with the conflicting uses through partial protection. <br />Findings: <br />The West Eugene Wetlands Plan ~WEWP} is an approved wetland conservation plan as defined <br />in ORS 196. S 00~ 15}. Approval for the existing plan as a Wetland Conservation Plan was <br />originally granted by the Gregon Division of State Lands on September 13,1994. DSL's <br />approval was amended by Final Crder 97-003 on September 11,1997. DRS 196.654{S} specifies <br />the relationship between Wetland Conservation Plan approval and compliance with Goal 5: <br />"Wetland conservation plans approved by the Director of the Division of State Lands <br />pursuant to GRS 196.668 to 196.692 shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of <br />any statewide planning goals related to wetlands, other than estuarine wetlands, for those <br />areas, uses and activities which are regulated by the plan." [See also, ORS 197.279] <br />Approval of the West Eugene Wetlands Plan by the Oregon Division of State Lands ~DSL} as <br />provided by law, satisfies all the requirements of any applicable statewide planning goal related <br />to wetlands including Goal 5}for those areas, uses and activities which are regulated by the <br />plan. <br />Ordinance, Exhibit B Statewide Planning Goal ~'indings~ Page 3 <br />
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