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Eugene's World Wide Web Homepage before the hearing, <br />S. Gn February 22,1999, the Eugene City Council held a public hearing on these <br />two site specific amendments. Notice of the hearing was sent to all affected <br />property owners and to owners and occupants living within 300 feet of the <br />affected sites 20 days in advance of the hearing. <br />We find that the opportunities for citizen involvement detailed above are adequate to achieve <br />consistency with Goal 1. <br />Goal 5~U en S aces Scenic and Historic Areas and Natural Areas <br />The purpose of Goa15 is to protect natural resources, and conserve scenic and historic areas and <br />open spaces. In addition to the Goal, the Land Conservation and Development Commission has <br />adopted an administrative rule to aid local government in achieving the requirements of the Goal. <br />The original Goal 5 Rule, DAR 660, Division 16, was adopted in 1991; revisions to the Goal 5 <br />Rule were adopted in 1996 as OAR 660, Division 23. The 1991 Goal 5 Rule continues to apply <br />topost-acknowledgment plan amendments, such as the West Eugene Wetlands Plan <br />amendments, initiated before September 1,1996. <br />Goal 5 and the 1991 Goal 5 Rule focus on the process required to prepare a Goal 5 inventory and <br />develop a program to achieve the goal on asite-specific basis, through preservation of a resource <br />site; allowing conflicting uses and the loss of the resource; or mitigating negative impacts <br />associated with the conflicting uses through partial protection. <br />Findings: <br />The West Eugene Wetlands Plan ~WEWP} is an approved wetland conservation plan as defined <br />in ORS 196. S 00~ 15}. Approval for the existing plan as a Wetland Conservation Plan was <br />originally granted by the Gregon Division of State Lands on September 13,1994. DSL's <br />approval was amended by Final Crder 97-003 on September 11,1997. DRS 196.654{S} specifies <br />the relationship between Wetland Conservation Plan approval and compliance with Goal 5: <br />"Wetland conservation plans approved by the Director of the Division of State Lands <br />pursuant to GRS 196.668 to 196.692 shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of <br />any statewide planning goals related to wetlands, other than estuarine wetlands, for those <br />areas, uses and activities which are regulated by the plan." [See also, ORS 197.279] <br />Approval of the West Eugene Wetlands Plan by the Oregon Division of State Lands ~DSL} as <br />provided by law, satisfies all the requirements of any applicable statewide planning goal related <br />to wetlands including Goal 5}for those areas, uses and activities which are regulated by the <br />plan. <br />Ordinance, Exhibit B Statewide Planning Goal ~'indings~ Page 3 <br />