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these sub-categories are not addressed here. The Metropolitan Area Residential <br />Lands Study separated out the aggregate demand for residential land into three <br />sub-categories: low density, medium density and high density residential, No <br />other sub-categories, such as size, or location were included in the analysis. <br />Consequently the analysis herein only addresses these three categories. <br />2. The areas designated by these amendments for Planned Transportation Corridor <br />are vacant, undeveloped areas. Therefore, these amendments will not apply to <br />existing development, and do not apply new land use restrictions to existing <br />development. <br />3. There are no impacts to the buildable lands inventory resulting from these <br />amendments since they involve a change in designation from one non-developable <br />category to another ~e.g., from "protect" or "restore" to "Planned Transportation <br />Corridor"}. <br />Goal 9 - Economic Develo meat <br />The purpose of Goal 9 is to provide adequate opportunities throughout the state for a variety of <br />economic activities vital to the health, wealth, and prosperity of Gregon's citizens. <br />Findings: <br />Industrial Lands: <br />These amendments to the VLTest Eugene wetlands Plan will not reduce the acreage of land <br />currently available for industrial development, since they affect only land that was previously <br />unavailable for development. Consequently, they leave adequate developable industrial land <br />within the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area within the ~4-year planning period. Therefore, <br />these amendments are consistent with Goal 9 with respect to industrial land. <br />Commercial Lands <br />These amendments do not include any land designated for commercial use in the Metropolitan <br />Area General Plan. <br />Goal 14,,,-,~Housin~ <br />These amendments to the west Eugene wetlands Plan will not reduce the acreage of land <br />currently available for residential development, since they affect land previously unavailable for <br />development. Consequently, they leave adequate developable industrial land within the Eugene- <br />Springf eldmetropolitan area within the ~4-year planning period. Therefore, these amendments <br />are consistent with Goa19 with respect to industrial land. <br />Ordinance, Exhibit B (Statewide Planning Goal Findings) Page 5 <br />