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ORDINANCE NO.20169 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING EROSION NUISANCE <br />ABATEMENT; AND AMENDING SECTIONS 2.O1S, 6.010, <br />6.OS0, 6.085, 6.090, 6.100, 6.110 AND 6.640 OF THE EUGENE <br />CODE, 1971. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Subsection ~5} of Section 2,01$ of the Eugene Code,1971, is amended to provide <br />as follows: <br />2.01 S Cit Mana er - Authori to lm ose Administrative Civil Penal . <br />~5} Utilizing the procedure set forth in section 2.019 of this code, the city manager <br />shall adopt by rule either a schedule of, or specific criteria to be used in, establishing penalty <br />amounts that may be imposed for particular violations. Except for violation of sections 6.501 to <br />6.596 of this code or any rules issued thereunder no a ' 'strative civil penalty imposed under this <br />section shall exceed $2,000 per day. For violation of sections 6.501 to 6.596 of this code or any <br />rules issued thereunder, no administrative civil penalty imposed under this section shall exceed <br />$25,000 per day. In imposing a penalty authorized by this section, the city manager or desi nee shall <br />g <br />cons er: <br />~a} The person's past history in taking all feasible steps or procedures <br />necessary or appropriate to correct the violation; <br />fib} Any prior violations of statutes, rules, orders and permits; <br />~c} The gravity and magnitude of the violation; <br />~d} whether the violation was repeated or continuous; <br />fie} ,whether the cause of the violation was an unavoidable accident, <br />negligence or an intentional act; <br />~1} The violator's cooperativeness and efforts to correct the violation; <br />and <br />(g) Any relevant rule of the city manager. <br />Section 2. Section 6.010 of the Eugene Code,1971, is amended by adding a new Subsection <br />~n}, and the current Subsection ~n}, is re-lettered to provide; <br />6.010 Nuisances Affectin the Public. The following are nuisances which <br />maybe abated as provided in this code: <br />Ordinance -1 <br />