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fin} Unlawful erosion. A violation of sections 6.625 to 6.645 of this code, <br />the rules adopted thereunder, the erosion prevention permit or a condition thereon. <br />Unlawful erosion includes the impacts of such erosion, on-site or off site. <br />~o} others. Any other thing, substance, condition, or activity prohibited <br />by state law, common law, this code, other ordinances, or which is determined by the <br />council to be injurious or detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare of the <br />city. <br />Section 3. Subsection ~3}~d} of Section 6.080 of the Eugene Code, I971, is amended as <br />follows: <br />6.080 Abatement Procedures -Notice, <br />~3 } The notice to abate shall contain: <br />~a} A description of the real property, by street address or otherwise, on <br />which the nuisance exists. <br />native. <br />fib} A direction to abate the nuisance within 10 days from the date of the <br />~c} A description of the nuisance. <br />~d} A statement that unless the nuisance is abated, the city may abate the <br />nuisance and the cost of abatement shall be charged to the person responsible and <br />assessed against the property. <br />fie} A statement that failure to abate a nuisance may result in a court <br />prosecution. <br />~f~ A statement that the person responsible may appeal the order to abate <br />by giving notice to the enforcing officer within I o days from the date of the notice, <br />Section 4. Subsections ~1} and ~2} of Section 6.090 of the Eugene Code,1971, are amended, <br />and new Subsection ~4} is added to provide: <br />6.094 Abatement Procedures,,,,,,- B, the City. <br />~ I } ff the nuisance has not been abated by a person responsible within the time <br />allowed, or where there exist off site impacts resulting from unlawful erosion, the city manager, or <br />the manager's designee may cause the nuisance to be abated. <br />~2} The officer charged with abatement of the nuisance, or contractors acting <br />under the direction of the officer shall have the right at reasonable times to enter into or upon <br />property in accordance with law to investigate or cause the removal of a nuisance, including <br />remedying the impacts from unlawful erosion. <br />~4} Notwithstanding subsections ~1} through ~3} of this section, in the event the <br />nuisance is based on section 6.O10~n} of this code, and the unlawful erosion adversely impacted <br />public property or other privately owned, off site property, the city may elect to abate those off site <br />ordinance - 2 <br />