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impacts without providing any opporh~nity for the person responsible to abate the problems. when <br />the city takes such action, the city may assess the responsible party for the total cost of that <br />abatement including administrative overhead. <br />Section 5. Subsection ~3} of Section 6.100 of the Eugene Code,1971, is amended as follows: <br />6.100 Abatement Procedures - Assessment of Costs. <br />~3} If no objection is filed or if the assessed costs are not paid within ten days <br />from the date of the notice, an assessment of the costs as stated shall be made by the finance officer <br />and shall thereupon be entered in the docket of city liens; and, upon such entry being made, shall <br />constitute a lien upon the propert~r from which the nuisance was removed or abated or upon the <br />abutting property when the nuisance was removed or abated from the adjoining public way. zf the <br />person responsible is not the owner of that property, then the city also may impose a lien upon <br />property owned by the person responsible. <br />Section b. Subsection ~1} of Section 6:110 of the Eugene Code,1971, is amended as follows: <br />6.110 Abatement Procedures -Summary Abatement, <br />~ 1 } The procedure provided by sections 6.080 to 6.145 is not exclusive but is in <br />addition to procedures provided by other laws. The city manager or the manager's designee may <br />proceed to summarily abate a nuisance which unmistakably exists and which imminently endangers <br />the environment, human life, health or property. The cost of such abatement may be assessed as <br />provided in section 6.100. <br />Section 7. Subsection ~3} of Section 6.640 of the Eugene Code,1971, is amended by adding <br />new Subsections (d) and (e) to provide: <br />6.640 Erosion Prevention -Enforcement. <br />~3} Violations. Failure to comply with the provisions of this code, rules issued <br />hereunder, the erosion prevention permits, or conditions imposed thereon, during the period that the <br />permits} remains in effect may result in: <br />~a} The issuance of a stop work order or compliance order by the city; <br />fib) The issuance of a citation into municipal court for violation of this <br />code; andlor <br />~c} The imposition of an administrative civil penalty pursuant to the <br />provisions of section 2.01 S of this code. <br />~d} An order to investigate all of the impacts caused by the violation. <br />fie} Abatement of the unlawful erosion as a nuisance as provided in <br />Sections 6.005 to 6.115 of this code. <br />ordinance - 3 <br />