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BEFORE THE BUARD DF COUNTY CDMMISSIUNERS DF LANE COUNTY OREGON <br />ORDINANCE NO. PA 1136 (IN THE MATTER OF REPEALING THE 1986 ALTON BAKER <br />(PARK MASTER PLAN, A REFINEMENT PLAN TO THE LANE <br />(COUNTY PARKS MASTER PLAN AND THE EUGENE- <br />(SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN <br />'WHEREAS, on June 18, 1986, the Board of County Commissioners of Lane Coun enacted <br />tY <br />Qrd~nance No. PA 914 adapting the Alton Baker Park Master Plan, a ref nement lan to the Lane Coup <br />p ~' <br />Parks Master Plan and the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan; and <br />WHEREAS, in November 1992, the voters of Lane County enacted Ballot Measure Za-01,~East Altan <br />Baker Park Charter Amendment, effective March 3,1993; and <br />WHEREAS, Ballot Measure ~4-01 specified conditions for the development of East Alton Baker Park <br />and established a process for the preparation of a new East Alton Baker Park Plan consistent with the Ballot <br />Measure; and <br />WHEREAS, in February 1993, the Board of County Commissioners entered into an <br />intergovernmental agreement with the City of Eugene, City of Springf eld and Willamalane Parks and <br />Recreation District and conveyed ownership of the Central Section of East Alton Baker Park t <br />o Eugene and <br />of the Eastgate Section of East Alton Baker Park to Springf eld. Springf eld, in turn, conve ed ownershi <br />Y p <br />of the Eastgate Section to the'ULrillamalanefark and Recreation District; and <br />WHEREAS, the intergovernmental agreement included use conditions and descri tion of the East <br />. p <br />Alton Baker Park planning process consistent with Ba11at Measure ~0-D I;and <br />WHEREAS, the Fast Alton Baker Park Citizen Planning Committee was established in A ril 1993 <br />.. p <br />jointly staffed by the City of Eugene and the Willamalane Park and Recreation District, and forwarded a <br />recommended plan for East Alton Baker Park to the Eugene City Council and~VL~illamalane Board of Directors <br />in the summer of 1995; and <br />WHEREAS, in January and March 1996, the Eugene City Council and 'L~illamalane Board of <br />Directors adopted the East Alton Baker Park Plan; and <br />WHEREAS, in July 1997, following three public comment sessions and a public hearin ,the Ci <br />g tY <br />of Eugene adopted a development plan for hest Alton Baker Park; and <br />WHEREAS, in May 1999, the Eugene City Council 'initiated proceedings to repeal the 1986 Alton <br />Baker Park Master Plan; and <br />IN THE MATTER OF REPEALING THE 1986 ALTON BAKER PARK MASTER PLAN, A REFINEMENT PLAN TO THE LANE COUNTY <br />PARKS MASTER PLAN AND THE EUGENE-SPR~IIGFIELD METROP4LCI`AN AREA GENERAL PLAN <br />~a,~e 1 of 2 <br />