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Ordinance No. 20174
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 20174
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Last modified
6/10/2010 3:49:37 PM
Creation date
1/14/2009 3:08:08 PM
Council Ordinances
Repealing the 1986 Alton Baker Park Master Plan, a refinement plan to the Eugene-Springfield Metro Plan, adopted by Ordinance No. 19395 on August 11, 1986; and providing an effective date.
Approved Date
James D. Torrey
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.natural Resources: East Alton Baker Park will provide valuable habitats in which a <br />diversity of native plant and wildlife species can prosper. <br />Recreation, Cultural and Environmental Education; East Alton Baker Park will be a <br />place within the urban area where people can~nd quiet and solitude in nature. <br />Access and circulation: East Alton Baker Park will link the Eugene and Springfield <br />communities and the areas north and south of the YYillamette River by providing safe, <br />e~cient and accessible corridors for non-motorized transportation. <br />Park Stewardship and Public Safety; The management of East Alton Baker Park will <br />engage interested citizens and groups in successful park stewardship including planning, <br />restoration, and maintenance. <br />The East Alton Baker Park Plan contains a small graphic plan and text which collectively <br />describe and specify implementation actions and management strategies according to these goals. <br />The West Alton Baker Park Development Plan, which is entirely graphic, contains greater detail <br />resolution than the East Alton Baker Park Plan, following closely the original design concepts of <br />the 1986 Alton Baker Park Master Plan. The path circulation system, scale and arrangement of <br />proposed improvements is of sufficient detail to allow design details and working drawings to be <br />the next step for those areas where construction is proposed. While the West Alton Baker Park <br />Plan has been responsive to activities and intensity that requires park development, there has <br />been sensitivity for the need to preserve and enhance the natural resource assets. <br />C~NCLUSI~N <br />The above Endings show that the repeal of the 1956 Alton Baker Park Master Plan is consistent <br />with both the Oregon Statewide Planning Goals and the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area <br />General Plan. Collectively, the new East Alton Baker Park Plan and West Alton Baker Park <br />Development Plan focus on the unique and signif cant assets of the park, and have them <br />incorporated into the respective plans. The riparian corridor in the West Alton Baker Park <br />Development Plan is greater than that shown in the 19$6 Alton Baker Park Master Plan. The <br />East Alton Baker Park Plan stresses the importance of eliminating motor vehicle access and <br />enhancing the natural aspects, particularly on the open area that is a former sanitary land f Il site. <br />The emphasis in the East Alton Baker Park Plan is for passive recreation, excluding motor <br />vehicle traffic, and enhancing the natural elements of the park, all of which help create that place <br />of solitude within the urban area, a place where many people feel that their lives are enriched by <br />experiencing the space. <br />The East and West Alton Baker Park Plans carry the general direction and concepts of the 1986 <br />Alton Baker Master Plan to a greater level of detail. The repeal of the 1986 Alton Baker Park <br />Master Plan will not create a planning void. The new 1996 East Alton Baker Park Plan and 1997 <br />West Alton Baker Park Development Plan will assure that Alton Baker Park development and <br />management is done incompliance with the Statewide Planning Goals and the Metro Plan. <br />8 <br />
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