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Exhibit A <br />to <br />Grdinance No. PA 1136 <br />FINDINGS IN SUPPaRT OF DR.DINANCE REPEALING <br />THE 1986 ALTGN BAKER PARK MASTER PLAN <br />Repeal of a refinement plan is considered.a major plan update under Section 9.135 of the Eu ene <br />Cod g <br />e (EC},1971, and is not subject to the criteria for ref nement plan amendments outlined in <br />EC 9.139 through 9.148. Therefore, approval of the repeal is subject to the re uirements of State <br />law: 1 }consistency with the relevant statewide planning goals adopted b the Land Conservation <br />Y <br />and Development Commission; and 2}consistency with the Eugene-Sprin field Metro olitan <br />g p <br />Area General Plan. <br />1} Consistency with the relevant statewide planning goats adopted b the Land <br />Y <br />Conservation and Development Commission <br />Goal 1--Citizen Involvement: To develop a citizen involvement program that insure the <br />opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. <br />The East Alton Baker Park Plan was prompted by a citizen initiated ballot measure 24-01 <br />~ }~ <br />which was approved by the electorate in the November 1992 general election. The ballot <br />measure called for a citizen planning committee to "...develop and adopt a final Plan for East <br />Alton Baker Park...." Following committee selection, they met monthly in o en session for <br />p <br />approximately 3o months. All meetings were announced in the Register Guard's "Civic <br />Calendar;" interested parties with special interests were kept informed via mailin s and tele hone <br />g p <br />solicitation for comment; and there was advertizing and public announcement for citizen <br />comment via a public workshop to define issues 14119/93 a ublic forum to review a dr <br />~ ~~ p aft plan <br />(317195}, and a joint public hearing of the Eugene City Council and willamalane Park and <br />Recreation District (Willamalane} Board of Directors (9118195} and a second ublic hearin <br />. .p g <br />before the Eugene City Council (~ 122196 prior to adoption by the Eugene Ci Council in <br />January 1996 and the willamalane Board of Directors in March 1996. Followin the com letian <br />g .p <br />of the East Alton Baker Park Plan, the City of Eugene initiated work on a develo went ran for <br />p p <br />west Alton Baker Park. In July 1997, following three public comment sessions and a ublic <br />. p <br />heanng, the City of Eugene adopted the west Alton Baker Park Development Plan. <br />4n June 16,1999, notice of the j oint planning commissions public hearing on the re eaI of the <br />p <br />1986 Alton Baker Park Master Plan was published in the Eugene Register Guard and S rin field <br />p g <br />News. Qn June 16,1999, notice of the hearing was also marled to a lest of interested arties, <br />p <br />including members of the East Alton Baker Park Citizen Advisory Committee acid others <br />involved in the development and review of the 1996 East Alton Baker Park Plan and 1997 west <br />Alton Baker Park Development Plan. Following the July 6,1999 joint plannin commissions <br />• g <br />public hearing, each of the three commissions voted unanimously to recommend the re al of the <br />