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Ordinance No. 20174
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 20174
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Last modified
6/10/2010 3:49:37 PM
Creation date
1/14/2009 3:08:08 PM
Council Ordinances
Repealing the 1986 Alton Baker Park Master Plan, a refinement plan to the Eugene-Springfield Metro Plan, adopted by Ordinance No. 19395 on August 11, 1986; and providing an effective date.
Approved Date
James D. Torrey
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1956 Alton Baker Park Master Pian to their respective elected off cials. The Eu ene Cit <br />. g Y <br />Council, Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners will also hold a <br />duly noticed joint public hearing prior to taking action on the proposed repeal of the 198b Alton <br />Baker Park Master Plan. These processes afford ample opportunity for citizen and other a enc <br />~ y <br />involvement consistent with Goal 1. <br />Goal 2--Land Use Planning: Ta establish a land use planning process and polic amework as <br />y~ <br />a basis for all decision and actions related to use of rand and to assure an ade uate actual base <br />~' f <br />far such decisions and actions. <br />Consideration of the proposed repeal of the Alton Baker Park Master Plan as a refinement lan to <br />p <br />the Metropolitan Area general Plan Metro Plan} is a legislative process which will be conducted <br />under State requirements for legislative actions, The Metro Plan is an acknowled ed <br />.. g <br />comprehensive plan, pursuant to provisions specif ed by the Land Conservation and <br />Development Commission. <br />Both East and'L~est Alton Baker Park Plans have moved beyond the process and olic <br />p Y <br />framework of the I9$6 Alton Bakex Park Master Plan to contain more specific desi nand <br />g <br />management proposals consistent with the Metro Plan. Proposed park improvements and <br />management actions in the East and West Alton Baker Park Plans, either stated or implied by <br />specified developments, provide an adequate factual base for development implementations or <br />management actions by either agency having management or development jurisdiction over the <br />park, Therefore, repeal of the 1986 Alton Baker Park Master Plan does not affect Metro Plan <br />compliance with Goal Z. <br />Goal 3--Agricultural Land: ~'o preserve and maintain agricultural lands. <br />There are no agricultural lands, by zoning, designation, or commercial use, included with or <br />affected by this application. The Metro Plan designation shows this area to be Park and Q en <br />p <br />Space. Therefore, this Goal is not relevant and the repeal of the 1986 Alton Baker Park Master <br />Plan does not affect Metro Plan compliance with Goal 3. <br />Goa14-Forest Land: To conserve forest lands by maintaining the forest land base and to <br />protect the state's farest economy by making possible economically efficient forest ractices that <br />p <br />assure the continuous growing and harvesting of forest tree species as the leading use on the <br />farest land consistent with sound management of sail, air water, and f sh and wzldli e resources <br />f <br />and to provide for recreational opportunities and agriculture. <br />There are no forested lands that relate to the state's timber economy, by zoning, desi anon, or <br />. ~ <br />use, included with or affected by this application. Therefore this Goal is not relevant and the <br />repeal of the 1986 Alton Baker Park Master Plan does not affect Metro Plan compliance with <br />Goa14. <br />Goal S~-Gpen Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources: To conserve o en <br />p <br />space and protect natural and scenic resources. <br />2 <br />
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