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Ordinance No. 20174
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 20174
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Last modified
6/10/2010 3:49:37 PM
Creation date
1/14/2009 3:08:08 PM
Council Ordinances
Repealing the 1986 Alton Baker Park Master Plan, a refinement plan to the Eugene-Springfield Metro Plan, adopted by Ordinance No. 19395 on August 11, 1986; and providing an effective date.
Approved Date
James D. Torrey
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The area encompassed by the Fast and West Alton Baker Park Plans is entirel within the area <br />Y <br />on the Metro Plan Diagram shown far Park and Gpen Space. Repeal of the 19$6 Alton Baker <br />Park Management Plan will not change the Metro Plan Dia rarn desi ation. The East <br />g gn Alton <br />Baker Park Plan focuses on passive recreation and preservation of natural resources and <br />restoration of the sanitary landfill site to be an area of high natural resource values. The West <br />Alton Baker Park Development Plan calls for a level of development to meet a limited vane of <br />. tY <br />leisure, entertainment and recreational pursuits, but calls for retaining the most si nif cant natural <br />g <br />resources as they now exist, with only minor penetration for reason of access to certain <br />destinations. There are no historic site designations within the park. Based on this information <br />the repeal of the 1956 Alton Baker Park Master Plan is consistent with Goal 5 and does not affect <br />Metro Plan compliance with Goal 5. <br />Goal 6~~Air, Wa#er and Dand Resources Quality: To maintain and improve the uali o the <br />q ~' f <br />air, water and land resources of the state. <br />The plan repeal request does not relate to a development proposal. The 1986 plan bein re Baled <br />. g p <br />called for development ~n the eastern part of the park which could have had negative im acts on <br />. p <br />water quality. 7n general, the provision of attractive active and passive recreational <br />opportunities, including nature appreciation within the urban area, should serve to reduce <br />people's need to travel greater distances to have those experiences. That transportation reduction <br />translates to an environmental benefit that can be measured innumerous ways and beyond the <br />boundaries of the Metro Plan. Based on the above information, the repeal of the 1986 Alton <br />Baker Park Master Plan does not affect Metro Plan compliance with Goal 6. <br />Goal ?--Areas Subjec# to Na#ural Disas#ers and Hazards; Ta protect life and property om <br />natural disasters and hazards. <br />Much of the area of the park lies within the 100 year flood plain. Many areas become arks for <br />p <br />the reason that they are not able to be urbanized because of the flood plain, and Alton Baker Park <br />is no exception. Generally, the improvement of parks below the 100 year flood lain with aths, <br />. ... p p <br />bridges, landscaping, prcn~c fac~l~t~es, etc., has been practiced to the extent that o era~in <br />. .. p .g <br />agencies have the capacitylwillingness to clean up high water damage or debris. Goal ?was <br />written in the context of general urban development involving extensive private or ublic <br />. p <br />investment. In that context, Goal ? is not relevant, and repeal of the 1956 Alton Baker Park <br />Master Plan does not affect Me~o Plan compliance with Gval ?. <br />Goal 8~Recreatianal Needs; To satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and <br />visitors and, where appropriate, to provide for~the siting of necessary recreational facilities <br />including destination resorts. <br />The entire area of Alton Baker Park is designated for Park and Gpen Space on the Metro Plan <br />Diagram. Through the various planning processes, there has been an awareness that onl certain <br />. Y <br />recreational pursuits are appropriate. For example, facilities common to community parks-_ <br />sports fields, tennis courts, and communitycenters-have been judged not appropriate for a river <br />firont park and are not included. Both ends of the park focus on accommodating passive <br />3 <br />
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