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Ordinance No. 20174
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 20174
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Last modified
6/10/2010 3:49:37 PM
Creation date
1/14/2009 3:08:08 PM
Council Ordinances
Repealing the 1986 Alton Baker Park Master Plan, a refinement plan to the Eugene-Springfield Metro Plan, adopted by Ordinance No. 19395 on August 11, 1986; and providing an effective date.
Approved Date
James D. Torrey
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recreational pursuits. However, those that require more manipulation of the Landscape by <br />introduction of turf, picnic facilities, botanical display, and facilities to support cultural events <br />are targeted for the west portion of the park, Both plans that will be in place after the repeal of <br />the 1986 Alton Baker Park Master Plan respond equally to Goals 5, 8 and 15, and represent an <br />equilibrium between those goals in a way that meets the interests of the citizens of Eugene. <br />Based on this information, the development and management of the park under the East Alton <br />Baker Park Plan and the Nest Alton Baker Park Development Plan are consistent with Goal S <br />and do not affect Metro Plan compliance with Goal 8; therefore, the repeal of the 1986 Alton <br />Baker Park Master Plan is consistent with Goal 8 and will not affect Metro Plan compliance with <br />Goal S. <br />Goal 9--Economic Development. To provide adequate opportunities throughout the state for a <br />variety of economic activities vital to the health, welfare, and prosperity of Oregon's citizens. <br />The 1986 Plan document makes reference to Alton Baker Park Development as helping meet the <br />needs expressed in other local plans, including the Eugene Parks and Recreation Plan X1953 and <br />1989}. The 1989 Plan under "Findings" contains the following statement: <br />"A diverse parks and recreation system is critical to the economic vitality of the <br />community because it increases its potential as a tourist destination. Also, national <br />studies have found that many business and industrial enterprises searching for new <br />locations are as interested in the cultural and recreational aspects of a community as they <br />axe in the tax abatement and other f nancial incentives," <br />Alton Baker Park is special because of its size and special features that now exist or are proposed <br />--amphitheater, canoe canal, Pre's trial, spacious natural areas within urban development, <br />botanical display, cultural and educational opportunities, etc. This park increases diversity of <br />recreational opportunities within the Metro Plan area. The improvements proposed by the two <br />plans that will be in place following the repeal of the 1986 Alton Baker Park Master Plan will <br />continue to add diversity to recreation opportunities in the Metro Plan area, as well as enhance <br />the already unique recreational opportunities. Therefore, the repeal of the 1986 Alton Baker <br />Park Master Plan is consistent with Goal 9 and will not affect Metro Plan compliance with Goal <br />9. <br />Goal to--Housing: To provide far the housing needs of citizens of the state. <br />Housing is inconsistent with past and current plans, and inconsistent with the Metro Plan <br />Diagram for this site. Repeal of the 1986 Alton Baker Park Master Plan will not change the <br />Metro Plan Diagram designation. Therefore, repeal of the 1956 Alton Baker Park Master Plan <br />does not affect Metro Plan compliance with Goal 10. <br />Goal 11--Public Facilities and Services: To plan and develop a timely, orderly and e~cient <br />arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural <br />development: <br />4 <br />
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