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Alton Baker Park is within the Urban Growth Boundary and has access to all urban services. No <br />extension or addition of public facilities and services is needed as a result of the new plans, <br />which will govern park development and management upon repeal of the 1986 Plan. Therefore, <br />repeal of the 1956 Alton Baker Park Master Plan does not affect Metro Plan compliance with <br />Goal 11. <br />Goal 12--Transportation: To provide and encaurage a safe, convenient and economic <br />transportation system. <br />while Alton Baker Park's primary purpose relates to meeting Goals 5, S and 15, it is reco nixed <br />. g <br />that certain trails within the park help encourage alternative transportation modes--bicyclin and <br />g <br />walking. Trails through the park create convenient and enj Dyable routes for people commutin <br />g <br />to work or school, people going shopping, to events at Autzen Stadium, other destinations in <br />general, or getting to events within the park. Path design and construction is done with <br />alternative made transportation in mind as much as it is for circulation within the park, Both <br />East and west Plans continue to provide for a path system designed to accommodate bicycle and <br />pedestrian transportation. Therefore, the repeal of the 1986 Alton Baker Park Master Plan is <br />consistent with Goal 1 ~ and will not affect Metro Plan compliance with Goal 1 Z. <br />Goal 13--Energy Conservation: To conserve energy. <br />The new East and west Alton Baker Park Plans do not have energy conservation as a specific <br />objective. As stated similarly in the comments under Goal 6 above, the provision of a variety of <br />unique recreational pursuits close to home, as called for in the new plans, will reduce peoples <br />need to travel out of town for experiences in nature, participate in cultural events, engage in <br />certain water related recreation, etc. Therefore, the repeal of the 1986 Alton Baker Park Master <br />Plan will not affect Metro Plan compliance with Goal 13. <br />Goal 14--Urbanization: To provide for an orderly and e~cient transition from rural to urban <br />land use. <br />The park area is within the Eugene and Springfield City Limits and the Urban Growth Boundary. <br />The park is designated for Park and Open Space an the Metro Plan Diagram, will not be <br />designated or developed far anything other than park, recreation and open space purposes, <br />according to the East and west Alton Baker Park Plans. Repeal of the 1986 Alton Baker Park <br />Master Plan will not change the Metro Plan Diagram. Therefore, the repeal of the 1956 Alton <br />Baker Park Master Plan will not affect Metro Plan compliance with Goal 14. <br />Goal 15--wlllamette Greenway: To protect, conserve, enhance and maintain the natural, <br />scenic, historical, agricultural, economic and recreational qualities of land along the ~Yillamette <br />River as the Willamette River Greenway. <br />The entire area of Alton Baker Park lies within the Willamette Greenway boundary. <br />Development within the Greenway is governed by the Metro Plan goal, policies and objectives <br />that pertain to the Greenway and the Eugene and Springfield codes. The new East and west <br />5 <br />