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used for commercial uses. There are no requested changes to the plan text. The policies far Land <br />in Public Ownership in the JeffersonlFar VL~est Refinement Plan contain a statement that "~w}hen <br />changes in land uses occur for areas zoned public land, the City shall evaluate whether a change in <br />the zoning district is necessary." Page 3 0} Other than this general statement, the Plan contains no <br />policy direction in the event the Library is moved or ceases operation at this location. The proposed <br />plan designation of Commercial is therefore consistent with the remaining portions of the <br />Jefferson/Far Nest Ref nement Plan. <br />The site of the existing Library is also included within the boundaries of the Downtown Plan. There <br />are no specific plan designations or policies in that refinement plan which address this site. <br />Refinement Plan Amendment Criterion ~c}: <br />EC 9.145 2 c The Plan Amendment is found to address one or more of the following. <br />1. An .error in the ,publication of the elan; <br />2. A char a in circumstances in a substantial manner not antici ated in the lan~ <br />3. Inco oration into the lan of new invento material which relates to a Statewide <br />oal~ or <br />4. A char e in ublic olic . <br />The bond measure for the new library passed in November 1995. Following the recommendation <br />from the Nest End Planning Advisory Committee, City Council approved the half block south of <br />10~' Avenue between Olive Street and Charnelton Street as the future site for the new Eugene Public <br />Library. 1n August 1999, Council directed the City Manager to proceed with the sale of the existing <br />Library. The construction of the new library in a new location, and the need for the sale of this <br />public facility, represent a change in circumstances in a substantial manner not anticipated in the <br />plan, which was adopted in January 1953, and a change in public policy. <br />CaNSISTENCY WITH STATEWIDE PLANNING GGALS <br />The proposed plan amendment is also consistent with the relevant statewide planning goals adopted <br />by the Land Conservation and Development Commission. <br />Goal 1, Citizen Involvement: To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the <br />opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. <br />This refinement plan amendment application is subject to the public notification and hearing <br />processes adopted by the City of Eugene in EC 9.11 S to 9.13 G. The amendment was considered at <br />a public hearing before the Eugene Planning Commission. Notice of the Planning Commission <br />public hearing was published in the Register-Guard. written notice of the Planning Commission <br />public hearing was mailed to the owners and occupants of properties within 500 feet of the property, <br />to persons who had requested notice, and to the neighborhood association. <br />Exhibit B ~ 2 <br />