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cables, lines ar wires. The term "utility line" does not include activities which drain a <br />water of the state, such as drainage tile; however, it does apply to pipes conveying <br />drainage from another area. <br />best feasible technola for utility line location} is def ned as a method or technolo <br />. . .. gY <br />that will provide all of the required ~nformat~on for a locating act~v~ty, while havin the <br />. g <br />least environmental impact among the methods or technologies that the affected a enc <br />g Y <br />has available at the time. <br />Adopt a new policy as follows: <br />Future fill or removal within the "utility corridors" as designated on the wetland <br />Designation Map Map 3} shall be conducted with an applicable U.S. Army Corps of <br />Engineers Army Corps} andlor Division of State Lands dredge and fill permits}, and <br />shall be limited to the minimum impacts necessary to: <br />1) conduct emergency repairs to existing utility lines, <br />2} conduct essential maintenance ~e.g., work to maintain ar optimize <br />performance} an existing utility lines, including line locating, <br />3} construct connections to existing utility lines, <br />4} construct new utility lines, <br />5} move existing utility lines when necessary to maintain service or conduct <br />emergency repairs, and when at least one of the following is true: <br />a} the utility line must be moved to protect it from erosion or some <br />other natural threat; <br />b} construction of public facilities that are consistent with this plan <br />and that conflict with an existing utility line, where such public <br />facilities cannot reasonably be constructed without moving the <br />utility line; or <br />c} the utility line must be moved in order to maintain or repair <br />another utility line in the same vicinity. <br />6} place new utility poles ar replace existing utility pales, only when <br />necessary to maintain performance orsafety ofabove-ground utility lines. <br />Above-ground utility lines may not be replaced with underground utility <br />lines within wetlands designated for restoration or protection, <br />No other impacts are authorized by this policy. The following shall also apply to these <br />corn ors; <br />