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e. Other than the activities described in this policy, these corridors shall be treated as <br />protected wetlands. Allowed activities shall be conducted in such a manner as to <br />minimize adverse impacts to the maximum extent possible upon the wetlands <br />within the corridor itself and within surrounding protected wetlands. Wetland <br />impacts shall be limited to the minimum area necessary. Utility agencies shall use <br />the best feasible technology to pinpoint the location of needed repairs prior to <br />excavation in order to limit the area of impact. <br />f, Except for emergency repairs, these activities shall be planned and timed to <br />minimize adverse impacts to wetlands. <br />g. All impacts shall be followed by restoration activities including: <br />1 } backfilling with existing native soil within three feet of the surface <br />whenever possible, and in no case less than two feet; and <br />2} grading and re-seeding andlor replanting with appropriate native plant <br />species. <br />h. Any unavoidable impacts to rare plant species shall be mitigated through <br />coordinated transplanting or other measures. <br />Adopt a new recommended action as follows: <br />The City shall, in cooperation with affected utility companies and agencies, develop <br />guidelines or interagency agreements regarding conducting routine, essential maintenance <br />and emergency repairs of utility lines that exist within protected wetlands. These <br />guidelines or agreements shall address, at a minimum, the following: <br />a. coordination with property owner <br />b. coordination with City of Eugene <br />c. pre-planning and seasonal timing of maintenance <br />d. specifications for backfill, grading and replanting with native species <br />e. emergency repairs <br />f. new construction <br />g. conducting rare species inventories <br />h, vegetation removal <br />i, identification of appropriate access points <br />