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Exhibit B <br />Findings of Consistency with <br />Oregon Statewide Planning Goals <br />The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan is a local com rehensive lan <br />. p. p <br />acknowledged by the state s Land Conservation and Development Commission and the West <br />Eugene wetlands Plan is an adopted refinement plan to the Metro Plan. This document contains <br />findings that address the consistency of the attached amendments to the West Eu ene wetlands <br />. g <br />Plan with applicable Oregon Statewide Planza~ng Goals, <br />These amendments to the west Eugene wetlands Plan will result in chan es to existin locall <br />g g y <br />adopted policy that addresses three land use categories: natural resources, industrial and <br />commercial lands, and residential lands, Accordingly, this analysis addresses Ore on Statewide <br />., g <br />Planning Goal 1 ~C~t~zen Involvement}, Goal 5 Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas and <br />Natural Resources}, Goal 9 Economic Development} and Goal 14 ~Housin . This anal sis <br />g} y <br />concludes that these refinement plan amendments are consistent with applicable Ore on <br />g <br />Statewide Planning Goals, <br />Background <br />The amendments analyzed herein are changes to policies and text of the west Eu ene wetlands <br />. g <br />Plan, They establish two new wetland designations for areas previously des Hated as rotected <br />g P <br />wetlands. The two new designations, Planned Transportation Corridor and Utili Corridor will <br />. tY <br />allow certain kinds of work on public streets, road and utilities, while maintainin rotection of <br />. gp <br />the wetland against all other types of unpacts. These amendments create these new deli nations <br />. g <br />but do not apply them to any specific properties. The new designations will be a lied to <br />pp <br />specific properties in subsequent amendments. <br />Planned Transportation Corridor: This designation will be primarily applied to areas <br />previously designated for protection to allow previously planned roadway improvements. Since <br />these areas are currently Han-buildable ~i.e., wetlands designated for protection and it onI <br />. } Y <br />allows road improvements, it will not affect the buildable land inventory when a lied to these <br />. Pp <br />properties. The only possible impact to buildable lands would be ~f the designation was a lied <br />pp <br />to a new wetland site not yet incorporated into the plan. In this case the area so designated would <br />no longer be available for commercial, residential or industrial development; it could onl be <br />... y <br />used for transportation facilities and enhancements. <br />Utility Corridor: This designation will be primarily applied to areas previously desi Hated for <br />g <br />protection to allow required maintenance and emergency repairs, and in limited cases, <br />construction of new utilities. Since these previously designated areas are currently non-buildable <br />~i.e,, wetlands designated for protection} and the policy only allows utility work, it will not affect <br />P2'C/UC Amendments Grdinance, Exhibit B Statewide Planning Goal Findings} ,page 1 <br />