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the buildable land inventory when applied to these properties. Like the Planned Trans ortation <br />. P <br />Corridor above, this designation will only affect buildable lands where it is ap lied to new <br />p <br />wetland sites, <br />Goad 1-Citizen Involvement <br />Statewide Goal 1 calls for local governments "to develop a citizen involvement ro ram that <br />.. p g <br />insures the opportu~uty for c~t~zens to be involved ~n all phases of the planning process." The <br />planning and adoption process for these amendments has incorporated many opportunities for <br />citizen involvement at all phases of the process as detailed below, <br />1. Preliminary staff recommendations for policy and text amendments to the west <br />Eugene wetlands Plan were f rst presented to the public in a workshop held on <br />June X8,1994. Notices were sent to all affected owners, and everyone on the <br />West Eugene wetlands Plan interested parties list amore than 80o people}. <br />2. Another public workshop was held on December 5,1995 to present revised staff <br />recommendations for amendments to the public. Again, notice was sent to all <br />affected property owners and more than 90o interested parties. Citizen and <br />agency comments from this workshop were incorporated into the staff <br />recommendations forwarded to the Eugene and Lane County Planning <br />Commissions. <br />3. an March 18,1996, a public hearing was held before the Eugene and Lane <br />County Planning Commissions regarding these amendments to the west Eugene <br />wetlands Plan, Notice was sent to all affected property owners, all owners and <br />occupants within 40o feet of affected properties, affected neighborhood groups <br />and more than 90o interested parties. Bright orange notices were pasted next to <br />each affected property regarding the hearing. <br />4. an December 17,1997, a second public hearing was held before the Eugene <br />Planning Commission and the Lane County Planning Commission regarding four <br />specific plan amendments. Notice was sent to all affected property owners and all <br />who requested to receive notice, and all who participated in the Planning <br />Commission proceedings. Notice was sent out more than 20 days before the <br />hearing. The amendments and supporting documents were posted on the City of <br />Eugene's world wide web Homepage before the hearing. <br />5. Dn February 18,1998, a public hearing was held before the Eugene City Council <br />and the Lane County Board of Commissioners regarding these amendments. <br />Notice was sent to all affected property owners and all who requested to receive <br />notice, and all who participated in the Planning Commission proceedings. Notice <br />was sent out more than 20 days before the hearing. The amendments and <br />supporting dacuments were posted on the City of Eugene's world wide web <br />P~`C/UC Amendments ordinance, Exhibit ~ Statewide Planning Goar Findings) page Z <br />