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Ordinance No. 19678
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19678
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:46:07 PM
Creation date
1/28/2009 12:23:07 PM
Council Ordinances
An ordinance amending the Whiteaker Refinement Plan; and declaring an effective date. (Repealed by Ord. #19678)
Approved Date
Jeffrey R. Miller
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4n January 22; 1994; the P1 anni ng Division provided notice of the offici a1 <br />appl ~ cats on to the Whi teaker Community Counci 1 and to the Lane Transit Di s <br />trict: LTD was notified due to the location of a bus stop on the south side <br />of 5th Avenue i r~nedi ately north of the subject property: ~ On February 2; <br />1994; written notice was mailed to the owners and occupants within 400 feet of <br />the, subject property: , On February 23; 1990; a di sp1 ay ad appeared i n the <br />Rego ster-Guard adverts s~ ng the P1 anni ng Commission's public hearing: 4n <br />Marc , ,the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing and recom- <br />mended approval of the proposed amendment ~7:0~: During the public hearing; <br />the president of the Whi teaker Community Council stated that the neighborhood <br />group supported the proposed amendment, and encouraged an update of the <br />Whi teaker Refinement P1 an: <br />Surmnary of Proposed Amendment <br />Gray's requests an amendment to the Whi teaker Refinement Plan to change the <br />P1 an Diagram text as i t affects one tax 1 of 1 ocated on the southwest corner of <br />5th Avenue and Madison Street: The Whiteaker Neighborhood Plan states that <br />the site i s appropriate for medium- and hi gh-density residential use: <br />Existing text pertaining to the area i s included on page 14 of the Whi teake r <br />Refinement P1 an: The proposed new plan 1 anguage i s as fo11 ows: <br />"A 1 ow-density resi densi a1 zoning designation may be applied to the <br />parcel located at the southwest corner of 5th Avenue and Madison <br />Street: Site review should be required i n conjunction with any 1 ow- <br />densi ty residential zoning applied to that property to assure that <br />permanent non-residential structures are not developed on this parcel; <br />and to assure compati bi 1 i ty with surraundi ng property: " <br />The requested plan change is intended to provide the basis for a subsequent <br />rezan~ ng request to RA Suburban Resi denti a1 and use of the 1 of for expansion <br />of the Gray's Seed and Garden Supply business: <br />Existing P1 an Designation; zoning; and Land Use <br />The property is located on the southwest corner of 5th Avenue and Madison <br />Street. It is designated in the Whi teaker Refinement P1 an as part of an area <br />appropriate for medium- and hi gh-density resi denti a1 uses: It i s currently <br />zoned R-3 Multiple-Fami 1y Resi denti a1; as are al i other 1 ots on the block that <br />front 5th Avenue: The parcel is currently undeveloped; although employees of <br />Gray's Seed and Garden Supply use the 1 of for parking: ~Emp1 oyee parking i s <br />not an allowed use under the existing zoning regulations. <br />The subject property is approximately 10;688 square feet; or about a quarter <br />acre i n size; Property to the south of the subject praperty a1 ong 6th Avenue <br />~ s zoned and des gnated for commerci a1 use. Praperti es to the west; north; <br />and east of the subject property are all designated i n the Whi teaker Refi ne- <br />ment Plan as appropriate for medium- and hi gh-density residential uses; and i n <br />general are zoned R-3 Mul ti p1 a-Fami 1y Residential : Resi denti a1 1 and uses <br />north of the alley include si ng1 e-family; duplex; and mul ti p1 e-family resi den- <br />ti a1 developments: The properties adjacent to the subject praperty are i n the <br />1 ow-densi ty, range: There are two non-resi denti a1 uses north of the alley: <br />One i s a pry nt~ ng company; the other i s a warehouse used by the operator of <br />Gray's, <br />FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS--2 <br />
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