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EXHIBIT B, <br />March 2fi, 1990 <br />FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS OF THE EUGENE PLANNING COMMISSION <br />RE: REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO WHTTEAKER REFINEMENT PLAN BRA 90-1} <br />I: INTRODUCTION <br />Background <br />0n October 19; 1959; a 1 etter was received from Jim Saul on beha1 f of Gray' s <br />Seed and Garden Supply requesting an amendment to the Whiteaker Refinement <br />Plan. <br />"The hat f-b1 ock south of 5th Avenue between Madison and Monroe Streets, <br />contai ns a mi x of uses, Existing uses include residences 1 ocated on <br />property zoned R-3; a commercial building on property zoned C-Z; a <br />warehouse on, property zoned R-3; and a vacant parcel : Expansion of <br />adjacent busy nesses that front on 6th Avenue may be permitted here, <br />provided: 1 } the expansion occurs on property that i s contiguous with <br />the existing business except for the intervening alley; 2 } the types of <br />uses perms tted are carefully controlled; and 3 } site review procedures <br />are used to control impacts on the surrounding residential area:" <br />The P1 anni ng Division referred the request to the chair of the Whiteaker <br />Co~munity Council: On November 8; 1989; the Whiteaker Community Council <br />considered the proposed amendment and primarily shared concerns about the <br />scope of the plan change and the possibility that non-residential structures <br />could be constructed on the site; thus creating compatibility problems with <br />surrounding residences and reducing the passibility of future use of the site <br />for housing: Based on the neighborhood group's concerns; Jim Saul modified <br />the proposed amendment to read as follows: <br />"A 1 ow-density residential designation may be applied to the parcel <br />located at the southwest corner of 5th Avenue and Madison Street: Any <br />1 ow-density residential zoning app1 i ed to that property shout d <br />~ ncorporate prove s~ ons why ch assure that permanent, non-rest denti a1 <br />structures are not developed on this parcel : " <br />On December l 1; 19$9; the Planning Commission reviewed the revised amendment <br />and c1 asst fi ed i t as a mi nor plan amendment. This action allowed Gray's to <br />submi t a formal appl i cats on <br />On January 17, 1990; Gray's submi tted a formal application to amend the <br />Whiteaker Plan: Based on the comments from the commission; the amendment was <br />again revised to specify that the RA zoning district would be allowed and that <br />s~ to revs ew would be requ~ red to assure that permanent, non-residential <br />structures are not built and to assure compatibility with surrounding <br />residential properties: <br />FINDTNGS AND CONCLUSIONS--1 <br />