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Ordinance No. 19678
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19678
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:46:07 PM
Creation date
1/28/2009 12:23:07 PM
Council Ordinances
An ordinance amending the Whiteaker Refinement Plan; and declaring an effective date. (Repealed by Ord. #19678)
Approved Date
Jeffrey R. Miller
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III: FINDINGS OF THE EUGENE PLANNING CoMMISS~oN <br />Each criterion i s 1 i steel below; followed by findings of the Eugene P1 anni ng <br />Corr~i ssi on: <br />Section 9:145 ~ 2 } ~ a } : The plan amendment i s consistent with the Metropol - <br />itan Area Genera] Plan: <br />The Metro Plan Diagram delineates the area generally between Jefferson Street <br />on the west; commercial boundary north of 6th Avenue on the south; B1 ai r <br />Boulevard on the west; and the rai 1 road tracks on the north as M7 xed-Use, with <br />an underlying designation of Medium-Density Residential : The mixed-use <br />designation recognizes areas where more than one use might be suitable and <br />provides for further delineation of apprapri ate land-use patterns based on a <br />refinement plan: <br />The Whiteaker Refinement P1 an Diagram; found on page 13 of the plan; deline- <br />ates the Metro P1 an mixed-use area into primari ly a medi um- and high-density <br />resi denti a1 subarea ~ 1 ocati on of subject property } and portions of two other <br />i ndustri a1 subareas: The Metro P1 an also has another Mixed-Use designation i n <br />Whiteaker north of the railroad tracks: The Whiteaker P1 an Diagram delineates <br />this area into primari ly a mixed-use subarea; a sma11 i ndustri a1 subarea; and <br />a portion of a l ow-density resi denti a1 subarea: <br />C1 early there i s a ,precedent for a ref i nement plan creating greater spec i f i c- <br />~ ty for land uses ~ n a Metro P1 an m~ xed-use area. There i s also precedent for <br />more than one zoning district being appropriate i n a ref i nement plan subarea: <br />The proposed amendment to the Whiteaker Refinement P1 an is found to be <br />consistent with the Metro P1 an Diagram: <br />The Metro P1 an contains the fo11 awi ng key metropal i tan goals: <br />1: Use urban; urbani zabl e; and rural 1 ands efficiently: <br />~: Provide viable resi denti a1 communities so al 1 resi dents can choose <br />sound; affordable housing that meets individual needs: <br />3: Broaden; improve; and diversify the metropolitan economy whi 1 e <br />maintaining and enhancing the environment: <br />These goals; dealing with growth management; housing; and the economy; provide <br />the broad framework for evaluating the proposed amendment to the Whiteaker <br />Refinement P1 an: In addition; each goal contains related pot i ci es and ob j ec- <br />ti ves: Below are a few of the applicable pot i ci es and objectives and P1 anni ng <br />Commission findings: <br />"Encourage development of suitable vacant; underdeveloped, and redevel- <br />opabl a land where services are available; thus capi tat i zi ng on publ i c <br />expenditures already made for those services:" Page II-B-3; No: 8} <br />The proposed amendment and a subsequent request for RA zoning with the site <br />review subd~str~ct and expansion of Gray's to include a nursery on this site <br />encourages use of a vacant parcel: Once the property was zoned RA; the <br />proposed amendment would prohibit any permanent, non-residential structures. <br />FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS--4 <br />r~ <br />R <br />
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