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Ordinance No. 19678
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19678
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:46:07 PM
Creation date
1/28/2009 12:23:07 PM
Council Ordinances
An ordinance amending the Whiteaker Refinement Plan; and declaring an effective date. (Repealed by Ord. #19678)
Approved Date
Jeffrey R. Miller
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This would allow the site to be rezoned back to R-3 i n the 1 ong term and used <br />for multiple-family housing: The intent of the Metro Plan to faster level op- <br />ment ~ n order to caps tal ~ ze on public expenditures made to serve an area i s <br />being met; <br />"Encourage a vari ety of new residential development i n and near the <br />downtown area:" {Page III-A-6; No; ll} <br />"Encourage higher-density residential level opment near industrial and <br />commercial centers throughout the metropolitan area." {Page III-A-1; <br />No. 30} <br />The subject property i s located near the downtown area and other significant <br />commerce al and ~ ndustr~ al centers. It i s currently designated i n the <br />whi teaker P1 an for medium- and high-density residential use; The change to <br />the plan text waul d al l ow a 1 ow-density residential zoning designation but <br />would not preclude the use of the site for higher density residential level - <br />opment i n the future: In addition; the site i s only about one quarter acre i n <br />s~ ze. Development of the site for anon-house ng use at this time waul d have a <br />negligible impact on the density of the area and the overall inventory of <br />residential 1 and available i n the co~nuni ty: <br />The applicant cites the fo1 l owi ng objective i n support of the proposed <br />amendment: <br />"Supply an adequate amount of land within <br />accommodate: a} the diversifying manufac <br />pal l uti ng; energy-efficient manufacturing <br />existing businesses; and c} the expansion <br />regional distribution; trade; and service <br />No 1 5--as revised } <br />the urban growth boundary to <br />turfing sector {especially low- <br />uses } ; b } the expansion of <br />of the metropolitan area as a <br />center:" {Page III-B-4; <br />The P1 anni ng Commission concurs with the applicant that there i s strong support <br />for providing land to accommodate the expansion needs of existing businesses. <br />The corr~i ssi on; however; does not view the objective as a bl anket endorsement <br />of expansion requests that will reduce avai 1 abl a sites from the housing i nven- <br />tory or impact existing resi denti a1 areas: <br />In this specific case; the expansion of the business does not preclude future <br />use of the site for housing; Due to the nature of the business; compatibility <br />concerns can be addressed during the site review process: Based on the above, <br />the amendment is consistent with both the Metro Plan Diagram and the Metro <br />Plan text. <br />5ecti on 9:l 45 { 2 } {~ }: The plan amendment i s consistent with the <br />remaining porti ans of the refinement plan: <br />The plan amendment i s very narrow i n scope and al l ows a l ow-density resi den- <br />tial zoning designation on a specific vacant parcel in a larger area planned <br />for med~ um- and high-dense ty resi dents al use. Excluding roads and alleys, the <br />overall net density i n the area i s about l 8 dwel 1 i ng units per acre; Excluding <br />parcels that are not currently i n resi denti a1 use; the density increases to <br />about 23 units per acre; The Metro Plan defines the range for medium-density <br />as between 10 and 20 units per gross acre: <br />FINDINGS AND C4NCLUSI4NS--5 ~~~~~~~ ~' <br />y <br />
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