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ORDINANCE NO. 7 O <br />AN ORDINANCE VACATING AN ALLEY; AND DECLARING <br />AN EMERGENCY. <br />An Ordinance vacating the following described alley, to-w~.t: <br />Located East of Willamette Street between 26th and 27th <br />Avenues, and more particularly described as: Beginning <br />at a point twelve feet north of the southeast corner of <br />Lot 1, of Block 26 of Frazier & Hyland Addition to <br />Eugene, as platted and recorded in Book 25, Page 416, <br />Lane County oregon Deed Records in Lane County, Oregon; <br />said point also being on the west margin of a twelve ~ 12 } <br />foot alley. Thence North along the west margin of the <br />alley to the south boundary line of Plummer Addition as <br />platted and recorded at Book 10, Page 34 of Lane County <br />Oregon Plat Records, thence East along the south boundary <br />of Plummer Addition twelve ~12~ feet, thence South along <br />the east margin of the alley in Block 26 to a point <br />twelve feet North of the Southwest corner of Lot 22 of <br />Block 26, thence West twelve ~ 12 ~ feet to the point of <br />beginning, in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. <br />RESERVING herein an easement for public utility purposes <br />over, under and upon the above described property, and <br />the right to enter thereon for purposes of construction, <br />reconstruction, repair and maintenance. <br />On the 9th day of April, 1990, the City Council of the City <br />of Eugene by Motion duly passed, called a public hearing to be held <br />at 7 : 3 U p , m. , Pacific Time on the 14th day of May, 19 9 0 , at the <br />Council Chambers at City Hall, Eugene, oregon, at which time and <br />place protests and remonstrances could be heard as to the proposed <br />vacation of the above described alley. <br />Notice was duly and regularly given of the hearing and at said <br />time and place the Council heard all objections to the proposed <br />vacation. <br />All persons owning property abutting the alley to be vacated <br />have consented to the vacation and applied for the same. <br />T~iE CITY of EUGENE DQES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section i. The City Council of the City of Eugene finds that <br />due and regular notice of the hearing was published and posted as <br />by law required and no valid objections have been made at the <br />hearing or filed. The consent of the owners of the abuttin <br />g <br />property has been duly and regularly filed in the proceedings and <br />the public interest will not be prejudiced by the vacation of the <br />alley. <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />