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fi.995 Administrative C„i yi 1,,,Pena1 ty. <br />1 ~ In add~~t i on to, ~ ~~and ~~not i n 1 i eu of any other enforcement <br />mechanism authorized by this code, upon a determi nati on by the city manager <br />or his/her designee that a person has violated a provision of this chapter, <br />the city manager or designee may impose upon the violator and/or any other <br />responsible persan an administrative civil penalty as provided by section <br />2.018 of this code. Far purposes of this subsection, responsible person <br />includes the violator, and i f the vi a1 ator i s not the owner of the bui 1 di ng <br />ar property at which the violation occurs, the owner as well. <br />~2} In addition to enforcement mechanisms authorized elsewhere i n <br />this code, , f ai 1 ure to pay an administrative ci vi 1 penalty i mpased pursuant <br />to subsect ~ on ~ 1 } of th ~ s section shall be grounds for withholding issuance <br />of requested permits ar 1 i censes, issuance of a stop work order, i f appl i - <br />cabl e, ar revocation or suspension of any issued permits or 1 i censes. <br />Section 5. Section 8.001 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is amended to pr0- <br />vide: <br />8.001 Definitions . For the purposes of this chapter the fo11 owl ng words <br />and phrases, except where the context clearly indicotes a different <br />meaning, shall mean: <br />Administrative Cade. The regulations adopted by section <br />8.005, <br />Bu i 1 d i n~,,,,,~ nee„ctor. A person acting under the authority and <br />d~rect~on of a~~~~~~buiiding official and charged with the responsibility <br />for enforcement of any speci a1 ty code. <br />Building official. A persan designated by the city manager <br />with the respons i b~i 1 i ty for administration and enforcement of the <br />Administrative Code ar any specialty code ar his/her designee. <br />Cit mono er, The city manager or the manager's designee. <br />Code. The term "the code" or "this code" shall mean a parti- <br />cular specialty code herein mentioned, e.g., Structural Specialty <br />Code, Mechanical Specialty Code, etc. The term Eugene Code, 1911 <br />~ nc1 udes all of the s chapter and all the other chapters. <br />E1 ectri cal Code. The regulations adopted by section 8.015. <br />Fire Chief. A person designated by the city manager as the <br />administrative head of the fire department or his/her designee. <br />Fire Code or Fire Prevention Code. The regulations adopted <br />by sections 8.190 and 8.200. <br />Fire marshal. A person designated by the city manager to ad- <br />mi n i ster and enforce the fire prevention code or his/her designee . <br />Mechanical Cade. The regulations adopted by section 8.060. <br />One and Two Farm 1Y Dwe11 i ng Code. The regul ati ans adopted by <br />section 8.054. ~.. ~.~~~~. ~~~~".~~ <br />Permit. The term "permit" shall mean bui 1 di ng permit, el ec- <br />trical permit, etc. , as the context may require, The term shall <br />also include a comb~natian permit, when appropriate. <br />Person i n char a of ro ert . An agent, occupant, 1 essee, <br />tenant, contract purchaser, owner, or other person having possession <br />Ordinance - 4 <br />