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Ordinance No. 19732
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19732
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:46:27 PM
Creation date
1/28/2009 3:19:06 PM
Council Ordinances
Concerning the Human Rights Commission; establishing a new Commission & standing Committees of the Comm.; amending sections 2.013,2.109,2.260,2.265,2.270,2.275, & 2.280 of Eugene Code; repealing section 2.285 of that Code; & declaring an emergency.
Approved Date
Jeffrey R. Miller
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~4} Fifty percent plus one of the current membership shall con- <br />stitute a quorum. <br />.~5} The city manager may, within his or her discretion, furnish <br />staff assistance to the commission or to the commission's committees. <br />Z.Z80 Human Rights Commission - Committees. <br />1 The A~ ~~enda Comm~ttee~ of t~.,,,. ~- <br />~ } g ~ ~~~he Human Rights Commission is hereby <br />created. <br />~a} The members of the agenda committee shall be the <br />elected chairpersons from the commission and from the committee <br />on discrimination and harassment, the committee on community <br />education and outreach and the committee on accessibility. <br />. fib} The commission may select three of its members, in <br />add~t~on to the chairperson, to serve as interim members of the <br />agenda committee until such time as the other members of the agenda <br />committee have been selected by the committees. <br />~c} The agenda committee shall be responsible for the pre- <br />paration of the agenda and for planning the meetings of the com- <br />mission. The agenda committee shall also provide membership ser- <br />v~ces by the or~entat~on of new members of the commission and the <br />commission's committees, by assisting all members and the council <br />concerning member's attendance and responsibilities, and by provid- <br />~ng a 1~nk among the comm~ss~on and the committees when these are <br />not meeting. The agenda committee may, at the request of the com- <br />mission, prepare recommendations on commission bylaws and other <br />adm~n~strat~ve matters. <br />~Z} The Committee on Discrimination and Harassment, Committee on <br />Community Education and Outreach and Committee on Accessibility, hereinafter <br />referred to as the "standing committees" are hereby created. <br />~a} Each committee shall have ten members who shall serve <br />three year terms. The commission shall nominate five members of <br />the commission and five citizens to be appointed by the council <br />to each committee. No member of the commission may serve on more <br />than one standing committee, <br />fib} The commission shall, within six months of being estab- <br />lished, submit initial nominations for members of each standing <br />committee. Three initial members of each standing committee who <br />are appointed to serve as citizen members of the committee shall <br />be appointed to serve two year terms, and two shall be appointed <br />to serve a three year term. <br />~c} , vacant positions on a standi ng committee shal 1 be f i 11 ed <br />by council appointment of a person nominated by the commission. A <br />position shall be considered vacant under the same conditions as <br />set forth for a vacancy on the commission. <br />~d} The off i cers of each standing committee shall be a chaff r- <br />person and a vice-chair elected by the cammi ttee. The chaff rpersan <br />shall preside over meetings of the committee and shall have the <br />right to vote. The vice-chair shall perform the duties of the <br />chairperson in the absence or disability of the chairperson. The <br />off ~ cers shall serve for terms of one year. <br />fie} Each standing committee shall meet at least nine times <br />a year, with such additional meetings as i t deems necessary to <br />Ordinance - 5 <br />
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