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Ordinance No. 19742
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19742
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:46:29 PM
Creation date
1/29/2009 12:53:04 PM
Council Ordinances
An ordinance concerning licensed activities and uniform business practices; amending, renumbering and repealing sections of the Eugene Code, 1971, and declaring an emergency and effective date. (Please see ordinance title for effected sections.)
Approved Date
Jeffrey R. Miller
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.201 Unarmed In,v,est~ ator - Ger,t~ f i cat,~,,on Re u~,,,,.,~ <br />g ,_,,,,._ _ q ,'red . No person shal 1 act <br />or be employed within the corporate limits of the city as an inves- <br />tigator without first obtaining a certification card issued by the city. The <br />city may issue an investigator certification card upon finding that the appli- <br />cant: <br />~a} Is not under 18 years of age; and <br />fib} Has not been convicted of an offense involving harrass- <br />ment, assault on another person, theft and related offenses, <br />narcotics or any sex-related offense: <br />I. If a violent crime, including sex related crimes, <br />within the preceding ten years, or <br />2. If a felony, within the preceding five years, or <br />3 . I f a mi sdemeanor, within the preceding three years ; <br />~c} Has not been convicted of any crime in the past year; and <br />~d} Has not violated any requirement of this code related <br />to the licensed activity. <br />3.209 Armed Investi ator - Certification Re uired. No person shall act <br />or be employed as an armed investigator without first obtaining an <br />armed investigator certification card issued by the city. The city shall <br />issue an armed investigator certification card if the person qualifies for an <br />unarmed investigator certification card and upon proof that the applicant <br />has successfully completed any test or other requirements approved by the <br />city related to the nature of the arms used. <br />3.21I Unarmed Invest~i,,gator ,_,,-,,_ R_equirem,„eats. <br />~1} In addition to the requirements of section 3.04I of this <br />chapter, each unarmed investigator shall: <br />~a} Submit to the city, upon approval of the application, <br />proof of a bond and ail insurance required by the rules adopted <br />under this code; <br />fib} Not falsify, deface, or obliterate any license, ident i- <br />fication card or certification card required under this chapter; <br />~c} Nvt divulge any information acquired from or for a client <br />to any person other than the client, except as authorized by the <br />client or as required by 1 aw; <br />~d} Obtain and maintain a val id investigator's certification <br />card issued by the city; <br />te} Have his/her certification card i n his/her possession <br />whi 1 e on-duty; <br />~f} Exhibit his/her certification card to any peace officer, <br />city manager or designee upon request; <br />fig} Not falsify, deface or obliterate any identification card <br />or certification card; <br />~h} Nat commit any offense set out in section 3.201 of this <br />chapter; and <br />,~i} Report to the city in writing within seven days any con- <br />v~ct~on for any offense set out in section 3.201 of this chapter. <br />. ~2} violation.of this section sha11 be grounds for suspension or <br />revocation of the cert~f~cation card. <br />Ordinance - 10 <br />
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