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.213 Arme Investigator Re uireme <br />~ 1 } Each armed ~ ~i nvesti gator shall <br />~a} Comply with all requirements contained in section 3.211; <br />fib} Obtain from the city and maintain a valid armed certifi- <br />ation card. A concealed weapon permit as issued by Lane County <br />shall not be accepted in lieu of the requirements of this subsec- <br />tion; <br />~c} Have his/her armed certification card in his/her posses- <br />s~ on why 1 e on-duty; and <br />~d} Exhibit his/her armed certification card to any person <br />upon request. <br />~2} Violation of this section shall be grounds for suspension or <br />or revocation of the certification card. <br />Section 17. The caption immediately preceding Section 3,285, and Sec- <br />tions 3.285, 3.287, 3.288, 3.289, 3.291, 3.292, and 3.293 of the Eugene Code, <br />1971, are amended, and Section 3.295 repealed, to provide: <br />Security ,,,A,* e <br />.285 Security Agenc Lic <br />__~ , ,.,,Y, - ' , ense Required. <br />~1} Except as provided in subsection ~2} of this section, no per- <br />son shall operate a security agency within the corporate limits of the city <br />without first obtaining a license. <br />~2} The city may grant an exemption hereunder for a period not to <br />exceed one year to a governmental entity that hires an unlicensed security <br />agency to operate within the city limits, provided: <br />~a} The services are performed only on the governmental <br />entity's property; <br />fib} The governmental entity demonstrates that it has a pro- <br />gram that insures any security agency hired will safeguard the <br />public welfare; and, <br />~c} The governmental entity signs an indemnity agreement pro- <br />vi ded by the city manager which protects the city from all l i obi l i ty <br />arising out of the activities of the unlicensed security agency, <br />3.287 Securit A enc -Securit Officer; Certification Re uired. <br />~1} No person shall act or be employed as a security officer, <br />whether armed or unarmed, without first obtaining a certification card issued <br />by the city manager. The city manager may issue a security officer certifi- <br />cation card upon finding that the applicant: <br />~a} Is not under 18 years of age; and <br />~ b} Has not been convicted of an offense involving harass- <br />ment, assault on another person, theft and related offenses, <br />narcotics or any sex-related offense: <br />1. If a violent crime, including sex related crimes, <br />within the preceding ten years, or <br />Ordinance - 11 <br />