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Senior and Disabled Services Division area agencies on aging yr <br />Mental Health and Developmental Disability Services Divisian and <br />community health programs request assistance, <br />~4} Appendix III-B of the Uniform Fire Code is amended by adding <br />a new subsection 4 thereto, to provide: <br />4. CDNNECTORS. <br />Fire department connectors for automatic sprinkler systems <br />shall be located within 5D feet of the nearest hydrant. <br />~5} Subsections 1.1D2~a} and fib} of the Uniform Fire Code are <br />amended to read: <br />Section 1.102 ~ a _ General . It i s the intent of this code to <br />presc~r~be regulations~consistunt with nationally recognized goad <br />practice for the safeguarding to a reasonable degree of life and <br />property from the hazards of fire, panic and explosion arising <br />fram the storage, handling and use of hazardous substances, mater- <br />ials and devices, and from conditions hazardous to life or property <br />in the use or occupancy of buildings or premises. <br />Section 1.102 b Nationall Reco nixed Standards, where na <br />applicable standards or requirements are set out in this code, or <br />contained within other statutes, codes, ordinances or administra- <br />tive rules adopted by the city, compliance with applicable standards <br />of the National Fire Protection Association or other nationally <br />recognized fire-safety standards as are approved by the chief shall <br />be deemed as prima facie evidence of compliance with the intent of <br />this code. Nothing herein shall derogate fram the power of the <br />city to determine compliance with codes or standards for those <br />activities or installations within its jurisdiction or responsibil- <br />ity. <br />~6} 5ubsections 1.103~a} and ~d} of the Uniform Fire Code are <br />amended to read: <br />Section 1.,1„a3 a Ge,., ,,..._ <br />,,, ,~, neral . The pravi si ons of this code steal l <br />supplement any and all laws relating to fire safety and shat l apply <br />to all persons without restriction, unless specifically exempted. <br />Section 1 103~d} The provisions in the following appendices <br />are adopted as part of this code: <br />1. Appendix I-A, <br />2. Appendix I-B, <br />3. Appendix I-D, as amended by Subsection 8.1003} of the <br />Eugene Code, 1971, <br />4. Appendix II-B, <br />5. Appendix III-A, <br />6. Appendix III-B, as amended by Subsection 8.1004} of the <br />Eugene Code, 1911 <br />7. Appendix III-C, as adopted by the State of Oregon <br />~7} Sections 2.101 to 2.303 of the Uniform Fire Code are deleted. <br />~8} Article 3 of the Uniform Fire Code is deleted. <br />~9} Sections 4.101 and 4.102 of the Uniform Fire Code are deleted, <br />~ 10} Section 4.103 of the Uniform Fire Code i s amended to read; <br />Section 4.103 A lication fvr Permit. All applications for a per- <br />mit required by this code or the administrative code shall be made as pro- <br />vided in the administrative code. <br />X11} Sections 4.104, 4.105, 4.106, and 4.107 of the Uniform Fire <br />Code are deleted . <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />