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hearing official. At the time and place specified therein, a <br />hearings official received the report of the city engineer and <br />finance officer as required by E.C. 7.187 ~ 1} , heard all evidence <br />and argument presented fully considered the same and has reported <br />his adopted findings to the City Council. <br />Because of the general proximity of the sanitary sewers <br />constructed in Basins "A," "B" and "C", because the work was done <br />during the same construction season, because the historic public <br />notices, hearings, proceedings and information have been the same <br />for the specially benef fitted properties and because of savings in <br />engineering and administrative costs, it is equitable that the cost <br />of the three separate contracts under which the local improvement <br />has been constructed in 1990 be combined when calculating the <br />assessments for the individual specially beneffitted properties. <br />Parcels for which sanitary sewers were constructed earlier but <br />which were not assessed until being included in this local <br />improvement are to be assessed based on the same unit values as the <br />1990 construction. <br />The extra capacity constructed in existing sanitary sewer <br />trunk lines and laterals in the River Road and Santa Clara areas <br />was done with the intention and determination that the casts of <br />that extra capacity beneffitted the property to be served by such <br />trunks and laterals and that the costs therefor would be equitably <br />spread to all properties served within the River Road and Santa <br />Clara areas. The $.025 per square foot included in the assessment <br />calculation under subpart 7.1752}fib}5d of Eugene Code, 1971 <br />ordinance _ 2 <br />