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Section 1. Section 2. ~Ofifi of the Eugene Cvde, I911, i s amended to pro- <br />vide: <br />2.~Ofifi Condominium Conversion -Permit Process. <br />~l} Application. No later than fi0 days after the filing of notice <br />of planned conversion, the developer or his ar her agent shall apply for a <br />permit on a form prescribed by the city manager and shat 1 submit as part of <br />this application the i nformati an and documents set forth below, together with <br />an application fee i n an amount set by the city. The applicant promptly <br />shall post a copy of the entire application in a conspicuous place in the <br />building or bu i 1 d i ngs to be converted , <br />. ~2} Staff review. Within 3o days from the time of a completed <br />application the city shal 1 i ssue a staff report on the applicant's compliance <br />with conditions far apprava1 of the permit. The staff report shall be sent <br />to the applicant who shall have 1 days after receipt to submit additional <br />information or material . The applicant promptly shall past a copy of the <br />staf f report i n a consp i cuous p1 ace i n the building or buildings to be con - <br />verted, <br />~3} Permit approval. Within 14 days after the issuance of the <br />staff report the city manager shat 1 approve or deny the permit and wi thi n <br />five days of the decision shall nati fy the applicant of the decision i n wri t- <br />i ng . The applicant or developer promptly shal 1 notify each affected tenant <br />in writing of the decision of the city,manager,on the permit application. <br />In adds t~ on, the c~ ty manager sha11 may 1, by f ~ rst c1 ass mail , a noti ce of <br />the decision and of the opportunity to appeal to owners and occupants of <br />property 1 acated within X00 feet of the property on which the subject condo- <br />mi n i um i s located and to persons who have requested notification. Unless <br />appealed, the city manager's decision i s effective an the e1 eventh day after <br />notice of the decision is mailed. <br />~4} A eat of ermit decision. <br />~a} Within ten days of the date that notice of the permi t <br />decision i s mai 1 ed by the city manager, i t may be appealed to the <br />heari ngs off i ci a1 by the owner, appl i cant, a party, an adversel y <br />affected person, or a person entitled to notice from the city under <br />subsection ~5} of this section. Such appeal shall be instituted <br />by f i 1 i ng a noti ce of appeal on a form to be provided by the city. <br />~ b} Within 45 days of the notice of appeal , the heari ngs <br />of f ~ cer shat 1 conduct a publ i c eve denti ary hearing on the permi t <br />approval or disapproval action of the city manager. The hearing <br />notice and procedures shall conform with the requirements for <br />quasi-judicial hearings provided in sections 2.390 to 2,400 of this <br />code. At least 20 days prior to the hearing, the city shall mail. <br />notice thereof to the applicant, appel 1 ant, persons who requested <br />notice of the city manager's decision, and to persons entitled tv <br />notice from the city under subsection ~3} of this section. <br />~c} Such appeal shat 1 be 1 imi ted to the issues of whether <br />the applicant has satisfied the conditions and obl i gati ans of the <br />permit approval , whether approval or denial of the permit was an <br />abuse of discretion by the city managers and whether the i nforma- <br />tion supplied by the applicant in connection with the application <br />is true and correct. <br />ordinance - 14 <br />