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~d } The ,decision of the hearings official on the permi t <br />approval or d ~ sapproval decision shall be given i n writing no <br />later than 15 days after the close of the hearing and record, and <br />such decision shall be f i na1. Within five days of the decision, <br />notice of the decision shall be mai 1 ed by first class mai 1 to the <br />applicant, appellant, and persons who requested notification of <br />the dec~s~on. <br />Section 8. Subparagraph ~h} of Section 4.083 of the Eugene Code, 1971, <br />i s amended to provide <br />.083 Noise Disturbance - S eci f i c P <br />~~,~. .~~.,.~~ ~_~~~_~_,..~,.rohibitions. Unless exempted by <br />_~.,.~ <br />section 4.084~~~~~~~of th~~~s code, the ~fol1owing acts are declared to be <br />noise disturbances; however this enumeration shall not be deemed an exc1 usi ve <br />list of the violations of section 4.08a~2} of this code, nor shall the reci- <br />tati on of specific prohibitions below be deemed the exclusive and entire <br />1 i sti ng of unl awfu] noise disturbances for each subcategory. <br />~h} Pile drivers hammers lawnmowers etc, Operating any <br />p~ 1 e dry ver, steam shovel , pneumatic hammer, derrick, or steam or <br />e1 ectr~c hoist between the hours of 10 p.m. and 1 a.m. the fol 1 ow- <br />ing day or lawnmower between the hours of 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. the <br />fo11 owi ng day. <br />Section 9, Section 1. fi10 of the Eugene Code, 1911, i s amended to pra- <br />vide: <br />1.610 vacation of Un i m roved Easements and Undevel o ed Subdivision P1 ats . <br />~1} Ap 1~ica,ti0n. An application for vacation of unimproved ease- <br />ments or Undevel aped subd~ vi si on plats shall be submitted by the applicant, <br />together w~ th such related ~ nformati on as prescribed by the city, and accom- <br />pani ed by the fee established by the city manager as provided by section 2.00 <br />of this code, <br />. ~ 2 } Notice. within ten days of receipt of a compl ete and accurate <br />appl ~ cats on, and at 1 east ten days before the p1 anni ng director makes a deci - <br />si on, the city shat 1 mai l a noti ce of the request to owners of property on <br />which the area sought to be vacated exists affected property owners}, and <br />affected agencies and uti 1 i ties. <br />~ } ~~~ ~ . <br />P ann i n d i,,,,,, ecta„r dec'„~W ~, <br />. r ,., soon. <br />~ a} Unl ess the applicant agrees to a 1 anger period, within 34 <br />days of receipt of a complete and accurate application, the plan- <br />ni ng director shat 1 approve, condi ti anal ly approve, or deny a vaca- <br />t~ on, with f ~ nd~ ngs and conclusions thereon. The p1 ann i ng director <br />shall approve the application i f the affected property owner and <br />easement or plat holder consent to the vacation. Absent such con- <br />sent the vacation shat 1 be allowed i f cons i stent with the fol 1 ow- <br />i ng criteria: <br />Ordinance - 15 <br />