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mi nar or ma jar partition plat within 30 days of receipt of a com- <br />pl ete and accurate application, with findings and conclusions <br />thereon. The planning director's decision shall be based an the <br />following criteria: <br />1. The plat i s i n substanti a1 conformity with the provi - <br />sions of the tentative plan for the minor or major parti t i an, <br />as approved. <br />2. Streets, roads, and alleys for public use are deli - <br />cated without any reservation or restriction other than rever- <br />sionary rights upon vacation. <br />3. Either: <br />a. Improvements as required by this code or as a <br />condition of tentative p1 an approval have been comp1 eted; <br />or <br />b. ~A performance agreement bond} or suitable sub- <br />sti tute as agreed upon by the city and applicant has <br />been filed with the finance officer in a sufficient <br />amount to assure the completion of all required impr~ve- <br />ments; or <br />c. A petition for improvements and for the assess- <br />ment of the real property for the improvements has been <br />properly executed by the applicant who i s seeking the <br />partition and the petition has been accepted by the city <br />engineer. <br />4. Public assessments, 1 i ens, and fees with respect to <br />the partition have been paid, or a segregation of assessments <br />and liens has been app1 ied for and granted by the city council <br />or the city finance officer, or an adequate guarantee has been <br />provided assuring the 1 i ens, assessments and fees wi 11 be poi d <br />prior to recordation. <br />fib} Except as provided for variances, approval does not re- <br />f ieve the applicant from other applicable provisions of this code <br />or state law. <br />~4} Minor and Ma'or Partition Plat - Acknowled in Decisions. <br />Mi nar and major partition approvals shall be noted on the final plat with <br />the signature of the planning director and the effective date of approval. <br />The planning director shall mai 1 nati ce of the decision to the applicant <br />within five days after it is rendered. <br />~ 5 } Ex i rat i on of Minor and Ma ' or Partition P1 at A royals . I f <br />approval conditions are not f ul f i 11 ed and the plat recorded i n the office of <br />the lane County Recorder within one year, approval expires and a new appl i ca- <br />t ~ an must be subm~ tted for recons i derati an . <br />~ fi } Proses s i n and Deliver of the A roved Minor or Ma ' or Part i - <br />ti on P1 at to the Count Recorder and Ci t . Fol 1 owi ng approval by the pl an- <br />ning director: <br />~a} The staff shall obtain on the approved partition plat <br />the signature of the city surveyor, whose signature shall certify <br />that the platting 1 aws of this state and the requirements of th i s <br />code have been met. <br />fib} The city shall deliver the approved partition plat to <br />the of f ~ ce of the Lane County Recorder, and notify the part i t i oner <br />that the approved partition plat has been delivered to the office <br />of the lane County Recorder and may be recorded. <br />Ordinance - 21 <br />