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.. 4c} In addition to requirements of state law pertaining to <br />f ~ 1 ~ ng and record ~ ng of approved partition plats, within five days <br />of recordation, the parti ti oner shall furnish the city surveyor <br />wi th a true, reproducible copy thereof, composed of the same mater- <br />i al as required by the county surveyor, or i f not so required, of <br />the same material and specifications as required by the city sur- <br />veyor. <br />Section 14. Section 9.035 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is amended to pro- <br />vide: <br />9.035 Subdivision Tentative Plan Procedure. <br />1 Tentat ~ ve Subd ~ v ~ s i on Plan A 1 <br />~ } ~ ~„~,,,,,,.,,.,. ~ ~ ,., - PA„~,„i,cation. An application and <br />related information pres~cri bed by the city as required Rfor subdivision tenta- <br />ti ve plan approval shall be submitted by the person proposing the tentative <br />plan, together with a fee set by the city manager as provided by section <br />2.020 of this code. <br />~2} Tentative Subdivision Plan - Revi ew b Other De artments and <br />A encies. Within five days after a complete and accurate tentative plan <br />application i s received, copies shat 1 be distributed to appropriate agencies <br />and departments for review, comments, and recommendations. If a written res- <br />ponse or extension request i s not received within 15 days, the proposal shal 1 <br />be assumed to be acceptable as submitted. <br />~3} Tentative Subdivision Plan -Notice to Other Pro ernes. With- <br />i n ten days of receipt of a compl ete and accurate application but no 1 ess <br />than ten days before the planning director makes a deci lion, notice of the <br />request shal 1 be mai 1 ed to owners and occupants of property 1 orated wi th i n <br />100 feet of the perimeter of the subject property. <br />~4} Tentative Subdivision Plan - Plannin Director Decision. <br />Unless the applicant agrees to a 1 anger time period, the planning director <br />shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny a tentative plan application <br />w~ th f ~ nd~ ngs and conclusions thereon, within 30 days of receipt of a com- <br />pl ete and accurate application. The planning director's deci si an shal 1 be <br />based on the following criteria: <br />~a} The proposed subdivision wi 11 comply with al 1 appl i cabl e <br />platting standards of this chapter. <br />fib} Approval does not impede the future best use of the <br />remainder of the property under the same ownership or adversely <br />affect the safe and healthful development of the remainder or any <br />adjoining 1 and or access thereto. <br />~c} The proposed subdivision wi 11 be consistent with app1 i - <br />cable adopted plans. <br />~d} The proposed subdivision wi 11 not cause unreasonabal e <br />street congestion, risk of fire, f 1 ood, gaol og i cal hazards, pal 1 u- <br />tion, or similar dangers, hamper adequate provision for transpor- <br />tation, water supply, sewage disposal, drainage, education, recre- <br />ati on, and other public servo ces and foci 1 i t i es, or result i n i n- <br />adequate 1 i ght and air or overcrowding of 1 and . <br />fie} Streets and roads are laid out so as to conform to the <br />plats of subdivisions and major partitions already approved for ad- <br />Ordinance - 22 <br />